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Mom Teaches Baby Not to Talk to Strangers

My three-year-old son is at that beautifully trusting historic period where he loves everyone. He even shouts out a merry "hello" to our not-so-merry neighbour every time he sees him. I honey that my little boy is so friendly because I retrieve the ability to smile and talk to anyone is a peachy quality to have.

I loved that he is so friendly and trusting… until I saw this video.

This video ( thousand.a. a mum'due south worst nightmare) posted by YouTube prankster Joey Saladino has had millions of views and left an equal number of terrified parents in its wake, including myself.

Even so, Saladino has been criticized for unnecessarily scaring parents around the globe – he has not cited his sources for one, and has, according to the BBC, neglected to fact check his numbers.

The other important point he fails to mention is that when it comes to child abduction and sexual abuse, the danger is more from people the child knows – horrifically often family unit members/friend/relatives – than strangers. In the The states, for instance, only a tiny fraction of child abduction cases involve complete strangers, according to a Time news report.

Saladino's video is, even so, a expert eye opener to the dangers that lurk in club and the very real threats to the condom of our children.

After watching information technology (and getting over my initial panic), it made me think that instead of teaching our kids non to talk to strangers, we should exist educational activity them HOW TO TALK correctly to strangers. Because not all strangers are nasty and waiting to kidnap your kids. In fact, it could be a stranger who saves your kid'south life.

stranger danger

Stranger danger: Children'southward innate trusting behaviour tin can make them vulnerable to predators. Teach your kids how to protect themselves.

Skillful stranger, bad stranger

Our children run into strangers every mean solar day… in the supermarket, at the park, while walking down the street. Nigh of these strangers are just regular, nice people – perhaps parents themselves, similar you and me.

What is important is how we teach our kids about strangers and identifying suspicious behaviour.

Identifying a stranger

Our kids may be besides quick to recollect that "bad strangers" wait evil, merely like the villains in cartoons. They should know that this is not true and information technology is quite dangerous for kids to call back this way. Teach your child that how a person looks has zippo to do with his or her intentions.

A pretty face doesn't equate to "kind." A dangerous person tin can look like the person side by side door; he can even exist someone your kid knows.

Likewise, your child should know how to identify "safe strangers" should he find himself in a sticky situation. According to the National Crime Prevention Council, USA (NCPC), "Safety strangers are people children can ask for aid when they need it."

Examples of safe strangers: Law officers, firefighters, and teachers. Requite children examples like these that they can easily identify, besides.

Quick tips:

  • When you are out and near with your child, help them recognise "safe strangers" by pointing them out, e.yard., policemen.
  • Prove your kids places they can go to if they need help, such as trusted local stores or the homes of family unit friends in the neighbourhood.
  • When in a shopping mall, point out the information counter usually located in the lobby or beginning floor and instruct your kid to always become there should he become separated from you.
  • Ever know where your child is and make your child memorise your telephone number should he need to contact you.

stranger danger

Tell your child that an adult should never ask him for help of any kind. If this happens, your child should tell you or another trusted developed about this immediately.

Identifying and treatment a dangerous situation

One of the most of import means you can protect your child is by teaching him how to deal with potentially dangerous situations, involving both strangers and known people who have bad intentions.

Opposite to popular propose of telling our kids non to speak to strangers, experts say that kids must exist taught how to speak upwards to strangers when needed. Kids must acquire the ability to discriminate between people that they can and cannot trust, even at a young age.

A study led by Harvard University psychological scientist Emily Cogsdill proves this. Cogsdill's research shows that "the predisposition to judge others based on physical features starts early in babyhood and does not require years of social experience."

Research psychologist Dr. Peggy Drexler therefore suggests that one of the best ways for parents to coach their kids how to stay safety is to "teach them how to use their ain instincts in determining who feels safe and who doesn't, and encouraging them to have faith in their own abilities."

Merely put, don't propose your child to distrust others, but teach them to trust in their own instincts.

Teach your child to speak upward in dangerous situations. Notice out how on the next folio.

stranger danger

Teach your children how to protect themselves should they find themselves in a potentially dangerous situation.

No, Get, Yell, Tell

If a stranger asks your child to get away with them or to disobey you, or if he tries to touch your child inappropriately or if he makes your kid experience uncomfortable in any fashion, teach your child the "No, go, yell, tell" method.

Your child should say NO,go and run away, yell equally loud as he can, and tell a trusted developed most what happened.

Here are some potentially dangerous scenarios:

  • Your child thinks he is beingness followed.
  • A stranger asks him to become into a car or get somewhere with him.
  • A stranger approaches your child in the park and asks him to help look for something lost.
  • A person in your neighbourhood who your child has never spoken to, invites your child into his/her house for a snack or to show him something.
  • A known adult touches your kid inappropriately or makes him feel bad or uncomfortable in whatever way. Remember: experts say that in most cases, abusers are well known to their victims.

The dangers of the virtual world

Our children live in a digital historic period and, with this, comes dangers that parents can't necessarily foresee, but are very real and very scary.

In January 2015, according to a Straits Times written report, "31-year-one-time Yap Weng Wah admitted to preying on 31 victims aged between 11 and xv." He had sexually groomed the boys subsequently "friending" them on Facebook and either sodomised or had oral sex activity with 30 of the boys at various locations in Singapore.

The crimes were brought to light later on i victim complained to the police in June 2012. At a raid of Yap's Yishun apartment, more than ii,000 sex videos were uncovered, including personal ones of him and young boys.

According to reports, "the case, described by the prosecution as the worst of its kind, has put the spotlight on sexual grooming and how children – fearing shame, stigma, or existence reprimanded – can keep silent about corruption."

stranger danger

Online predators will oftentimes lie about their age and even gender to gain the trust of their victims.

What is sexual/online preparation?

Sexual grooming, according to Parents Protect!, is when people who want to sexually harm children get close to them in order to gain their trust. Grooming can accept place anywhere – even in the home or at school.

Online grooming is when these relationships are forged online. An online sexual predator volition make friends with a child – often via social medical platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat etc – and try to observe out every bit much information as possible well-nigh the child.

An online predator will often prevarication most his or her age, and even gender. They share false pictures of themselves. And when they think they accept gained the kid's trust (often through flattery and promises of gifts), they will do their best to isolate the kid.

The danger of online grooming is that the abuser may non exist "restricted by fourth dimension or accessibility to a child equally they would be in the 'real earth.'"

You are probably shuddering in horror right now. I was when I was writing this. Only there are steps you can take to assist protect your child against sexual grooming and online predators. Find out what they are on the next page.

stranger danger

Do not allow your immature child browse the Cyberspace unmonitored.

Protecting kids online: Must-know rubber tips

Mr Chong Ee Jay, assistant manager at Touch on Cyber Wellness, which provides Cyberspace condom grooming in schools, says it is so important that both educators and parents stay up-to-date on the increasing number of social media platforms used past children.

Hither are some tips to keep in listen:

  • Follow historic period limits on social networking websites. Most social networking sites require that users exist historic period xiii and over.
  • Young children should not use conversation rooms. If you lot accept older kids, direct them towards well-monitored kids' conversation rooms.
  • Brand sure y'all know which conversation rooms your child visits and with whom they talk.
  • Instruct your children to never leave the conversation room's public area. Many chat rooms offering private areas where users can take one-on-one chats with other users. These are often called"whisper" areas.
  • Go along the Internet-continued calculator in a common surface area of the house, never in a child's bedroom. It is much more difficult for a predator to reach your child if the computer screen is easily visible.
  • Maintain a shut relationship with your child from a young age, creating a trust-based environs where your child will not feel hesitant to confide in you if something is not right.
  • Singapore Children's Society executive director Alfred Tan says to lookout out for kids being very active online late at night, or receiving gifts they cannot beget.
  • Finally, watch out for and reach out to your kid if you lot think he is having a tough time at schoolhouse making friends. Such kids may plow to the Internet to fill the void.

stranger danger

Teach your child to have confidence in his or her instincts.

You could also teach your children the five key Childnet SMART Rules which guide young people to be SMART online.

Due south – Prophylactic: Keep rubber by being conscientious not to requite out personal data, such as your name, email, phone number, dwelling accost, or school name, to people who you don't know online.

M – Coming together: Meeting someone you take only been in touch with online tin can be dangerous. Only do so with your parents'/carers' permissions and when they can exist present.

A – ACCEPTING: Have emails, IM messages, or opening files only from people know or trust. Otherwise, it can exist dangerous.

R – RELIABLE: Trust reliable facts but. Someone online may be lying near who they are, and information y'all detect on the net may not be reliable.

T – TELL: Tell your parent, carer, or a trusted developed if someone or something makes you feel uncomfortable or worried.

Parents, nosotros can't personally protect our kids forever even though nosotros wish with all our hearts that we can. But we can educate and empower our kids with the skills to wait after themselves if caught up in a dangerous state of affairs.

I know I will. Will y'all?

Do share with united states of america your own "stranger danger" tips by leaving a comment below. Y'all tin also Impress OUT the S.M.A.R.T rules past clicking this link, and place it near the figurer your child uses.

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