art Crossword Puzzles


Art crossword puzzle

  1. are not colors, black is absense of all colors, white is the presence of all color.
  2. Color Wheel 12 Colors/24 Colors
  3. size differences
  4. Green, Violet, and Organge
  5. the elements combined
  6. has 3 properties, color-Hue or Chroma, Value(black/white/grey), Intensity (bright vs. dull)
  7. Cube,Sphere, Cone, Cylinder, Pyramid, and Prism. All of the objects and thing in the world can be simplified to these forms. This is how you can draw more complicated forms by looking at the basic forms with in the objects and how they are contructed.
  8. has depth, 3-D, forms are solid objects
  9. the use of common elements throughout the format so that one area is not left without some of these elements. Color, Values, textures, objects can be balanced. There is Asymmetrical/informal balance and symmetrical/formal balance
  10. Drawing styles of pen and ink include crosshatching, Dots, Directional lines, cross hair, and scumbling. The closer the lines or dots are together the darker the area will become. You can use any combinations of lines to produce a drawing. Always start with the darkest area first
  11. the gradual change from white to black showing all the grays.
  12. a mode of design that has no recognizable objects but can be derived from a realist object with a finder.
  13. YG, BG, BV, RV, YO, RO
  14. the addition of white and black to a color to produce tints (add white) and shades (add black) of one color.
  15. a mode of design that simplifies the most important aspects of an object. Flattens to 2-D, Shapes instead of forms.
  16. the position of shapes, colors and values that will work well with each other and help to produce directional movement.
  17. the colored pencil can be blended with soft layers to produce new colors. A gradation can be made by overlapping soft layers for two colors
  1. is flat, 2-D, forms are solid objects
  2. a special section or place in the format, the aesthesic center of interest is not in the middle but uses the division of thirds. Also called the center of interest, focal point.
  3. the one continual line that describes the outside edge of an object. Thick and thin line produces variety.
  4. Line,Shape,Form,Color,Texture,Value,Proportion
  5. a gradual change between dark and light in drawing and painting. This can be created with a pencil by changing the pressure on the paper and by using small circular movements. A KNEADED eraser can soften the edge of a gradation by lifting graphite from the paper.
  6. leads your eye through the format and to the area of emphasis by using a rhythmic overlay of shapes, color or value.
  7. creates a shape, can be thick or thin, and creates texture
  8. the complement of a color is located directly across the color wheel from another. Every color has a compliment and every complimentary pair has a warm color and cool color.
  9. Dark and Light, in color, in drawing and in design
  10. the variation of elements so as not to cause monotony
  11. the neutral is a combination of a complementary pair and has no hue or chroma. It is called browns and is the source of a more natural color in nature. It can also be used to create shadows.
  12. this project uses crayon (wax) to resist Tempera paint. The Tempera paint can be thinned with a heavy application of crayon the paint will resist the areas of crayon into the spaces left blank
  13. YYG, GGY, YYO, OOY, BBG, GGB, RRV, VVR, Etc.
  14. rough or smooth, implied or real
  15. Red, Yellow, and Blue
  16. color comes to us as bright as it canb be naturally; to dull the color you must add its compliment. The complementary color reduces the intensity of a color causing it to be dull and takes away its chroma.

33 Clues:size differencesthe elements combinedRed, Yellow, and BlueYG, BG, BV, RV, YO, ROGreen, Violet, and OrgangeColor Wheel 12 Colors/24 Colorsrough or smooth, implied or realis flat, 2-D, forms are solid objectshas depth, 3-D, forms are solid objectsYYG, GGY, YYO, OOY, BBG, GGB, RRV, VVR, Etc.Line,Shape,Form,Color,Texture,Value,Proportion...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. Not see through.
  2. An art movement that takes traditional subjects—nudes, landscapes, and still lifes—were reinvented as increasingly fragmented composition
  3. An artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air.
  4. Emphasizing ideas rather than objects.
  5. A work of art made up of two parts, usually hinged together\
  6. Objects, such as pots and vases, made of clay hardened by heat
  7. An image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
  8. A person who draws plans or designs, often of structures to be built; a person who draws skillfully, especially an artist.
  9. A category of artistic practice having a particular form, content, or technique.
  10. Two or more things having a common center.
  11. An object, outline, or shape having sharp corners, or angles.
  12. A 19th-century art movement
  13. Any public-facing side of a building, often featuring decorative finishes.
  14. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
  15. A visual representation or design on a surface
  16. The area of an artwork that appears farthest away from the viewer; also, the area against which a figure or scene is placed.
  17. Expressing deep personal emotion or observations; highly enthusiastic, rhapsodic.
  18. A particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
  19. An act of placing things close together or side by side for comparison or contrast.
  20. A representation of a particular individual.
  21. An opaque watercolor paint; a painting produced with such paint.
  22. A rendering, usually a drawing, of a person or thing with exaggerated or distorted features, meant to satirize the subject.
  23. In painting a color plus white.
  24. The area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
  25. In painting, a color plus black.
  26. The lightness or darkness of a color. In painting, a color plus gray.
  27. A work of art made up of three parts, usually hinged together
  28. The technique and resulting work of art in which fragments of paper and other materials are arranged and glued to a supporting surface.
  1. The materials used to create a work of art, and the categorization of art based on the materials used (for example, painting [or more specifically, watercolor], drawing, sculpture).
  2. An image with urban scenery as its primary focus; an urban environment.
  3. The ability to alter a material's shape under compressive stress, such as hammering or rolling.
  4. A paint composed of pigment mixed into water; a work of art made with this paint.
  5. Touchable, or sensed by the touch.
  6. The arrangement of the individual elements within a work of art so as to form a unified whole
  7. A form, sign, or emblem that represents something else, often something immaterial, such as an idea or emotion.
  8. Cotton or linen woven cloth used as a surface for painting.
  9. A type of paint that is water based, not oil based.
  10. An artistic movement that was interested in how the irrational, unconscious mind could move beyond the constraints of the rational world.
  11. Colors located opposite one another on the color wheel.
  12. Having a single color. A work of art rendered in only one color.
  13. A large painting applied to a wall or ceiling, especially in a public space.
  14. A form of art, developed in the late 1950s, which involves the creation of an enveloping aesthetic or sensory experience in a particular environment, often inviting active engagement or immersion by the spectator.
  15. A term generally used to describe art that is not representational or based on external reality or nature.
  16. Representing a form or figure in art that retains clear ties to the real world.
  17. In art, a technique used to depict volumes and spatial relationships on a flat surface, as in a painted scene that appears to extend into the distance.
  18. The position from which something is viewed or observed.
  19. A substance, usually finely powdered, that produces the color of any medium. When mixed with oil, water, or another fluid, it becomes paint.
  20. A person whose job it is to research and manage a collection and organize exhibitions.
  21. Relating to or characterized by a concern with beauty or good taste (
  22. Characterized by ugly, repulsive or distortion of appearance
  23. Museum of Contemporary Art
  24. The range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art;
  25. The shape or structure of an object.
  26. A soft and delicate shade of a color; a drawing medium of dried paste manufactured in crayon form made of ground pigments and a water-based binder; a picture or sketch drawn with this type of crayon.

54 Clues:Not see through.Museum of Contemporary ArtA 19th-century art movementIn painting a color plus white.Los Angeles County Museum of ArtIn painting, a color plus black.Touchable, or sensed by the touch.The shape or structure of an object.Emphasizing ideas rather than objects.Two or more things having a common center....


art crossword puzzle

  1. To make a picture
  2. Quality of color.
  3. Person who drowing pictures
  4. Synthetic material used as a substitute for clay
  5. Wide view of an extensive area in all directions
  6. Object of producing
  7. Something erected in memory of a person
  8. Tool that is uses during painting
  1. To put something
  2. Picture of one person
  3. Many photos
  4. Instrument used for drawing
  5. Vailable for people to see
  6. Popular social network
  7. Spanish painter
  8. A lot of colors
  9. Kazakh painter
  10. A room or building in which people look at paintings
  11. It is a visual representation of a person, object
  12. A technique of painting with watercolors

20 Clues:Many photosKazakh painterSpanish painterA lot of colorsTo put somethingTo make a pictureQuality of color.Object of producingPicture of one personPopular social networkVailable for people to seeInstrument used for drawingPerson who drowing picturesTool that is uses during paintingSomething erected in memory of a person...


art crossword puzzle

  1. ofart
  2. cut
  3. light
  4. sketches
  5. pool
  6. useclayandstonetomake...
  7. awards
  8. theinvitation
  9. worksinParis
  10. theglue
  11. thescene
  12. board
  1. room
  2. frombottles
  3. wash
  4. painter
  5. day
  6. fromstoneandclay
  7. material
  8. abouttheexam
  9. thestreetstocollectdonations
  10. awareness
  11. paste

23 Clues:cutdayroomwashpoolofartlightboardpasteawardspainterthegluesketchesmaterialthesceneawarenessfrombottlesabouttheexamworksinParistheinvitationfromstoneandclayuseclayandstonetomake...thestreetstocollectdonations


Art crossword puzzle

  1. wyśmienity
  2. (miedzio-/drzewo-) ryt
  3. odsłonięcie, ujawnienie
  4. ślamazarnie, bez energii
  5. akwarela
  6. skrupulatnie, drobiazgowo
  7. błyszczący, lśniący
  8. przekłuć
  9. wściekły
  10. Antyk (The ...)
  11. kucać
  1. osłupienie, konsternacja
  2. wygibas
  3. wezwać
  4. zaniepokojony
  5. sztaluga
  6. zafascynowany,zahipnotyzowany
  7. wysypka
  8. podglądacz
  9. śmiać się złośliwie
  10. Romantyzm
  11. żywy (kolor)
  12. nieszkodliwy

23 Clues:kucaćwezwaćwygibaswysypkasztalugaakwarelaprzekłućwściekłyRomantyzmwyśmienitypodglądaczżywy (kolor)nieszkodliwyzaniepokojonyAntyk (The ...)błyszczący, lśniącyśmiać się złośliwie(miedzio-/drzewo-) rytodsłonięcie, ujawnienieosłupienie, konsternacjaślamazarnie, bez energiiskrupulatnie, drobiazgowozafascynowany,zahipnotyzowany


Art crossword puzzle

  1. a long-bladed hand tool with a beveled cutting edge and a plain handle that is struck with a hammer or mallet, used to cut or shape wood, stone, metal, or other hard materials.
  2. capture on film as part of a series of moving images; make a movie of (a story or event).
  3. cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.
  4. used to apply paint or sometimes ink.
  5. is a technical drawing instrument that can be used for inscribing circles or arcs.
  6. a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
  7. the action of mixing or combining things together.
  8. in art refers to the degree or intensity of lightness in a color.
  9. existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.
  10. a method (originally used in Java) of producing colored designs on textiles by dyeing them, having first applied wax to the parts to be left undyed.
  11. an object made by pouring molten metal or other material into a mold.
  12. (in fine art and technical drawing) shading with closely drawn parallel lines.
  13. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
  14. a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air.
  15. a soft white limestone (calcium carbonate) formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures.
  16. a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.
  17. a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby.
  18. is an artist's way of using elements of art, principles of design
  1. show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.
  2. an artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air.
  3. pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.
  4. a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.
  5. is the visual art of making a motion picture from a series of still drawings.
  6. a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil. It can be molded when wet, and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics.
  7. a print produced by the process of
  8. the art of producing decorative handwriting or lettering with a pen or brush.
  9. a strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, cotton, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting.
  10. illustrations, photographs, or other nontextual material prepared for inclusion in a publication.

28 Clues:a print produced by the process ofused to apply paint or sometimes ink.the action of mixing or combining things together.pots and other articles made from clay hardened by or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air....


ART! crossword puzzle

  1. blue green purple/violet
  2. red blue yellow
  3. found in nature
  4. view of land
  5. no surface
  6. no subject matter
  7. live being
  8. spectrum
  9. found in paint
  10. yellow and blue
  1. reflection of white light
  2. actual appearance
  3. yellow and red
  4. purple/violet orange green
  5. cool
  6. not real
  7. intermediate
  8. coloring matter of medium
  9. red yellow orange
  10. warm

20 Clues:coolwarmnot realspectrumno surfacelive beingview of landintermediateyellow and redfound in paintred blue yellowfound in natureyellow and blueactual appearanceno subject matterred yellow orangeblue green purple/violetreflection of white lightcoloring matter of mediumpurple/violet orange green


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Je ne (faire) pas le sculpture.
  2. Dan (pouvoir) dessine la tour Eiffel.
  3. Nous (parler) des tambours.
  4. Ils (devoir) jouent trois fois demain.
  5. Des ami (aller) au un concert de musique.
  6. Nous ne (vois) pas la Mona Lisa dans le musée.
  7. Est-ce que tu (dessiner) avec moi.
  8. Je suis (finir) ma danse audition.
  9. Mon oncle (vendre) les instruments.
  10. Il n'a (jouer) pas la guitare.
  1. Mon ami (être) un acteur.
  2. Elles n'a (acter) le rôle d'Hamlet.
  3. Mes amis et moi (participer) dans une bande.
  4. Il (prendre) la guitare pour moi.
  5. Jenny (avoir) une clarinette.
  6. Sarah et moi (chanter) la nouvelle chanson de Charlie Puth
  7. Elle (mettre) les pinceaux à la classe.
  8. J' (écouter) de la musique sur mon portable.
  9. Colin (danser) avec ton petite amie a la danse.
  10. Tu ne (venir) pas pour la séance de ton frère.

20 Clues:Mon ami (être) un acteur.Nous (parler) des tambours.Jenny (avoir) une clarinette.Il n'a (jouer) pas la guitare.Je ne (faire) pas le sculpture.Il (prendre) la guitare pour moi.Est-ce que tu (dessiner) avec moi....


art crossword puzzle

  1. Spanish painter
  2. A technique of painting with watercolors
  3. Synthetic material used as a substitute for clay
  4. Person who drowing pictures
  5. Kazakh painter
  6. It is a visual representation of a person, object
  7. To make a picture
  8. Wide view of an extensive area in all directions
  9. Instrument used for drawing
  10. Object of producing
  1. Tool that is uses during painting
  2. Quality of color.
  3. Picture of one person
  4. Something erected in memory of a person
  5. Many photos
  6. Vailable for people to see
  7. Popular social network
  8. To put something
  9. A room or building in which people look at paintings
  10. A lot of colors

20 Clues:Many photosKazakh painterSpanish painterA lot of colorsTo put somethingQuality of color.To make a pictureObject of producingPicture of one personPopular social networkVailable for people to seePerson who drowing picturesInstrument used for drawingTool that is uses during paintingSomething erected in memory of a person...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. of art Kunstwerk
  2. vorhersagen
  3. verschmelzen
  4. Liedtext
  5. Dudelsack
  6. Meisterwerk
  7. Romanliteratur
  8. Freude
  9. unterbrechen
  10. überzeugen
  1. Veranstaltungsort
  2. Geschoss
  3. Ausstellungsstück
  4. Bildnis
  5. Veröffentlichung
  6. Siedler
  7. Dichtung
  8. Sachliteratur
  9. Kunst
  10. Statue

20 Clues:KunstStatueFreudeBildnisSiedlerGeschossLiedtextDichtungDudelsacküberzeugenvorhersagenMeisterwerkverschmelzenunterbrechenSachliteraturRomanliteraturof art KunstwerkVeröffentlichungVeranstaltungsortAusstellungsstück


art crossword puzzle

  1. name of famous grafiti artist in the UK
  2. Claude Monet is most known for his paintings of what?
  3. artist that was struck in the face with a mallet by an envious rival, permanently disfiguring him.
  4. Most famous Rodin statue?
  5. Famous painter that transitioned to cut outs in his final years?
  6. Who's exhibition did you take Ilsa and Alysha to in London in 2009, where the art was made of red wax?
  7. the extravagant period of art and architecture prevalent in Europe during most of the 17th century
  8. Who designed the Guggenheim Museum?
  9. William Turner often painted what mode of transport?
  1. Famous artist who cut off his ear.
  2. Where was Pablo Picasso born?
  3. Salvador Dalí is associated with which art movement
  4. This painter continued his work despite having crippling arthritis.
  5. This famous painting by Leonardo Da Vinci was used for target practice by Napoleon's soldiers.
  6. artist most famous for their close-up perspective paintings of flowers
  7. Most famous painting in the Lourve.
  8. The artist Kandinsky is considered the first for this type of art?
  9. Artist who sculpted and painted ballerinas.
  10. What is the name of Henri Rosseau's large painting containing a tiger in the National Art Gallery in London?
  11. abstract expressionist known for using the "drip technique"

20 Clues:Most famous Rodin statue?Where was Pablo Picasso born?Famous artist who cut off his ear.Most famous painting in the Lourve.Who designed the Guggenheim Museum?name of famous grafiti artist in the UKArtist who sculpted and painted ballerinas.Salvador Dalí is associated with which art movementWilliam Turner often painted what mode of transport?...


art crossword puzzle

  1. a picture representing an area of countryside.
  2. a colored fluid used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating.
  3. a soft and delicate shade of a color.
  4. explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
  5. able to move or be moved freely or easily.
  6. relating to photography.
  7. a great artist of former times, especially of the 13th–17th century in Europe.
  8. a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen.
  9. an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
  10. a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
  11. a long, narrow mark or band.
  12. the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.
  13. a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design.
  14. the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively.
  1. a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.
  2. a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
  3. the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer.
  4. produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper.
  5. a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially one for calcining lime or firing pottery.
  6. material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.
  7. a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or other rigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.
  8. the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
  9. a flaky covering or deposit.
  10. a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  11. an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.
  12. pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay. Pottery can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.

26 Clues:relating to photography.a flaky covering or deposit.a long, narrow mark or band.a soft and delicate shade of a to move or be moved freely or easily.a picture representing an area of countryside.the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. podglądacz
  2. osłupienie, konsternacja
  3. skrupulatnie, drobiazgowo
  4. błyszczący, lśniący
  5. zafascynowany, zahipnotyzowany
  6. przekłuć
  7. wezwać
  8. harmless
  9. ślamazarnie, bez energii
  10. zaniepokojony
  11. wysypka
  12. Romantyzm
  1. kucać
  2. żywy (kolor)
  3. wyśmienity
  4. wściekły
  5. akwarela
  6. Antyk (The ...)
  7. wygibas
  8. sztaluga
  9. śmiać się złośliwie
  10. (miedzio- /drzewo-) ryt
  11. odsłonięcie, ujawnienie

23 Clues:kucaćwezwaćwygibaswysypkawściekłyakwarelaprzekłućsztalugaharmlessRomantyzmpodglądaczwyśmienityżywy (kolor)zaniepokojonyAntyk (The ...)błyszczący, lśniącyśmiać się złośliwie(miedzio- /drzewo-) rytodsłonięcie, ujawnienieosłupienie, konsternacjaślamazarnie, bez energiiskrupulatnie, drobiazgowozafascynowany, zahipnotyzowany


Art crossword puzzle

  1. lightness or darkness of a color
  2. occurring over and over again
  3. collaborative art project
  4. projecting from the background in a low sculpture
  5. a mark made with a tool
  6. a picture made of yourself by yourself
  7. an image that represents an idea
  8. a three dimensional geometrical figure
  9. gradual progression of shades or color
  10. character or personality of an individual
  11. binding parts of clay together
  12. adhesive for clay
  1. a window used to frame a picture
  2. working with clay
  3. street artist that makes plaster faces
  4. unified body of individuals
  5. a flat geometric shape
  6. a repetition of visual elements
  7. quality of surface
  8. the element of art that is made by light hitting an object

20 Clues:working with clayadhesive for clayquality of surfacea flat geometric shapea mark made with a toolcollaborative art projectunified body of individualsoccurring over and over againbinding parts of clay togethera repetition of visual elementsa window used to frame a picturelightness or darkness of a coloran image that represents an idea...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. A person whose job it is to research and manage a collection and organize exhibitions.
  2. A rendering, usually a drawing, of a person or thing with exaggerated or distorted features, meant to satirize the subject.
  3. Objects, such as pots and vases, made of clay hardened by heat
  4. A form, sign, or emblem that represents something else, often something immaterial, such as an idea or emotion.
  5. A particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
  6. Touchable, or sensed by the touch.
  7. The materials used to create a work of art, and the categorization of art based on the materials used (for example, painting [or more specifically, watercolor], drawing, sculpture).
  8. The ability to alter a material's shape under compressive stress, such as hammering or rolling.
  9. A form of art, developed in the late 1950s, which involves the creation of an enveloping aesthetic or sensory experience in a particular environment, often inviting active engagement or immersion by the spectator.
  10. A category of artistic practice having a particular form, content, or technique.
  11. An act of placing things close together or side by side for comparison or contrast.
  12. An image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
  13. An image with urban scenery as its primary focus; an urban environment.
  14. A term generally used to describe art that is not representational or based on external reality or nature.
  1. An artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air.
  2. Representing a form or figure in art that retains clear ties to the real world.
  3. The area of an artwork that appears farthest away from the viewer; also, the area against which a figure or scene is placed.
  4. Relating to or characterized by a concern with beauty or good taste (
  5. The arrangement of the individual elements within a work of art so as to form a unified whole
  6. A visual representation or design on a surface
  7. Museum of Contemporary Art
  8. Expressing deep personal emotion or observations; highly enthusiastic, rhapsodic.
  9. Emphasizing ideas rather than objects.
  10. An object, outline, or shape having sharp corners, or angles.
  11. A 19th-century art movement
  12. A lack of equality or equivalence between parts or aspects of something; lack of symmetry.
  13. Los Angeles County Museum of Art
  14. The technique and resulting work of art in which fragments of paper and other materials are arranged and glued to a supporting surface.

28 Clues:Museum of Contemporary ArtA 19th-century art movementLos Angeles County Museum of ArtTouchable, or sensed by the touch.Emphasizing ideas rather than objects.A visual representation or design on a surfaceA particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.An image that has natural scenery as its primary focus....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. people who pay artists to produce work for them
  2. equilibrium in a composition, either symmetrical or asymmetrical
  3. in a scene or artwork, the part that seems closest to the viewer
  4. artwork that shows a scene of the sea, ocean, large lake or coastline
  5. natural forms changed by geometrical reduction
  6. generally defined as art produced during the second half of the 20th century.
  7. a type of paint made from a mixture of powdered pigments (colors) with a binder and water.
  8. a subtractive method of sculpture; taking away wood or stone
  9. a 20th-century art movement which used bizarre, dream-like images.
  10. the relationship of one object to another in size, shape, number or degree
  11. the part of a picture that appears to be farthest away from the viewer
  12. any color mixed with black
  13. a picture of a person or images that portray a person
  14. a style of painting that seeks to represent the momentary effects of sunlight on color.
  15. the material used to make a work of art. Examples include oil, watercolor, pencil, pen and ink, tempera, and pastel
  16. thick paint applied with a brush, knife or fingers, creating various textural features on the surface of the painting
  17. the placement of forms, shapes, colors, and light and dark areas in a work of art.
  18. the science of the beautiful in art; defined by visual, moral, social, and contemporary standards.
  1. thick, water-based paints
  2. usually a work in pen, pencil, or charcoal on
  3. a work of art created by arranging and gluing assorted materials onto a flat surface
  4. the measurement of light and darkness in a work of art
  5. the use of light and shadow to create a focal point or mood
  6. the painting of feelings, sometimes with recognizable images, often totally abstract
  7. a design or picture created by imbedding stones or pieces of glass on a floor, vault or wall
  8. a design made by repeating a motif at regular intervals
  9. a statue or 3-D work of art
  10. a technique for creating the illusion of depth on a 2-D surface
  11. the scenery of an inland area, a painting or drawing of the land or natural environment
  12. a large painting or artwork, generally designed for and created on the wall or ceiling of a public building
  13. a tray or board on which colors of paint are mixed. Also, the set of colors used by an artist in a painting
  14. marks in paint made by a brush
  15. the transition of color from one tone to another; for example, in a sky
  16. character studies that usually exaggerate one or more features
  17. refers to the common name of the color such as red or green
  18. any color mixed with white
  19. wall paintings made by painting onto wet plaster
  20. a support for an artist's canvas during painting
  21. art that does not attempt to represent the appearance of objects, real or imaginary.
  22. a rough outline or drawing showing the main features of something

40 Clues:thick, water-based paintsany color mixed with blackany color mixed with whitea statue or 3-D work of artmarks in paint made by a brushusually a work in pen, pencil, or charcoal onnatural forms changed by geometrical reductionpeople who pay artists to produce work for themwall paintings made by painting onto wet plaster...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. What is represented on the school logo
  2. The author of "Black Square"
  3. A painting of a person or of a group of people
  4. Author of "La Gioconda"
  5. Important property of paints
  6. Vessel for mixing paints
  7. Words or drawings, especially humorous or political on walls
  8. The name of our teacher of art
  1. One of the cool colors
  2. The art and practice of designing and making buildings
  3. One of the primary colors which is not obtainable by mixing other colors
  4. The art of forming solid objects that represent a thing, person, idea
  5. A type of painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit or bowls
  6. Author of "Old Woman"
  7. One of the warm colors
  8. Author of the "Wheatfield with Crows"
  9. A simple, quickly-made drawing that does not have many details
  10. A long, usually made of wood, for writing or drawing, with a sharp black or coloured point at one end
  11. It can be soft or hard
  12. On any subject of all the boys got bad marks

20 Clues:Author of "Old Woman"One of the cool colorsOne of the warm colorsIt can be soft or hardAuthor of "La Gioconda"Vessel for mixing paintsThe author of "Black Square"Important property of paintsThe name of our teacher of artAuthor of the "Wheatfield with Crows"What is represented on the school logoOn any subject of all the boys got bad marks...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.
  2. rendering of the basic elements of a composition, often made in a loosely detailed or quick manner. Sketches can be both finished works of art or studies for another composition.
  3. a cleric or theologian.
  4. copy or reproduction.
  5. very similar to the person or thing represented.
  6. modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.
  7. style,artefacts, or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia.
  8. calm depiction of something.
  9. particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
  10. natural landforms of a region; also, an image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
  11. temporary structure, made usually of wooden planks, used by workers while building, repairing the building.
  12. bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
  13. the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
  14. early sample built to test a concept or process.
  15. impenetrable to the passage of light.
  16. capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.
  17. make a copy of something.
  18. stimulating careful consideration or attention.
  19. painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  20. versatility,extremely surprising or impressive range of something.
  21. life,a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture.
  22. arrange in a layer or layers.
  1. distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
  2. an impervious material perforated with letters, shapes, or patterns through which a substance passes to a surface below.
  3. range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.
  4. type of paint made from very fine pigments and resin that form a glossy surface.
  5. manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.
  6. make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
  7. action or result of depicting something, especially in art.
  8. sculpture sculpture that depends on motion.
  9. decorative handwriting or lettering.
  10. guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration (noun).
  11. Paint,a paint in which pigment is suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air.
  12. a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmansabsorb all the attention or interest of.
  13. tending to remind one of something.
  14. perception concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
  15. representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image.
  16. achieve or complete successfully.
  17. belonging to or occurring in the present.
  18. arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent.
  19. piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
  20. denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
  21. area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
  22. expressed in pictures; illustrated.
  23. decoratewith a recurring design.
  24. merit,is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art.
  25. cloth made from cotton, or a similar yarn, used as a surface for oil painting.
  26. method by which information is included or excluded from a photograph, film, or video,painting.
  27. expressed,reflecting or reproducsing in a very bright manner of some subject.

49 Clues:copy or reproduction.a cleric or theologian.make a copy of something.calm depiction of something.arrange in a layer or layers.decoratewith a recurring design.achieve or complete successfully.tending to remind one of something.expressed in pictures; illustrated.decorative handwriting or lettering.impenetrable to the passage of light....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  2. type of paint made from very fine pigments and resin that form a glossy surface.
  3. belonging to or occurring in the present.
  4. bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
  5. versatility,extremely surprising or impressive range of something.
  6. modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.
  7. a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmansabsorb all the attention or interest of.
  8. method by which information is included or excluded from a photograph, film, or video,painting.
  9. style,artefacts, or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia.
  10. representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image.
  11. piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
  12. sculpture sculpture that depends on motion.
  13. denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
  14. capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.
  15. temporary structure, made usually of wooden planks, used by workers while building, repairing the building.
  16. make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
  17. the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
  18. a cleric or theologian.
  19. decorative handwriting or lettering.
  20. early sample built to test a concept or process.
  21. Paint,a paint in which pigment is suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air.
  22. cloth made from cotton, or a similar yarn, used as a surface for oil painting.
  23. life,a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture.
  24. rendering of the basic elements of a composition, often made in a loosely detailed or quick manner. Sketches can be both finished works of art or studies for another composition.
  25. copy or reproduction.
  1. manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.
  2. impenetrable to the passage of light.
  3. area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
  4. stimulating careful consideration or attention.
  5. distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
  6. natural landforms of a region; also, an image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
  7. perception concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
  8. arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent.
  9. particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
  10. treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.
  11. action or result of depicting something, especially in art.
  12. guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration (noun).
  13. achieve or complete successfully.
  14. expressed in pictures; illustrated.
  15. very similar to the person or thing represented.
  16. range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.
  17. decoratewith a recurring design.
  18. an impervious material perforated with letters, shapes, or patterns through which a substance passes to a surface below.
  19. merit,is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art.
  20. tending to remind one of something.
  21. make a copy of something.
  22. expressed,reflecting or reproducsing in a very bright manner of some subject.
  23. arrange in a layer or layers.
  24. calm depiction of something.

49 Clues:copy or reproduction.a cleric or theologian.make a copy of something.calm depiction of something.arrange in a layer or layers.decoratewith a recurring design.achieve or complete successfully.expressed in pictures; illustrated.tending to remind one of something.decorative handwriting or lettering.impenetrable to the passage of light....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. copy or reproduction.
  2. range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.
  3. expressed in pictures; illustrated.
  4. merit,is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art.
  5. type of paint made from very fine pigments and resin that form a glossy surface.
  6. distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
  7. a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmansabsorb all the attention or interest of.
  8. decoratewith a recurring design.
  9. temporary structure, made usually of wooden planks, used by workers while building, repairing the building.
  10. cloth made from cotton, or a similar yarn, used as a surface for oil painting.
  11. very similar to the person or thing represented.
  12. achieve or complete successfully.
  13. life,a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture.
  14. stimulating careful consideration or attention.
  15. versatility,extremely surprising or impressive range of something.
  16. the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
  17. impenetrable to the passage of light.
  18. painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  19. style,artefacts, or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia.
  20. Paint,a paint in which pigment is suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air.
  21. treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.
  22. denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
  23. natural landforms of a region; also, an image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
  24. particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
  25. manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.
  1. a cleric or theologian.
  2. calm depiction of something.
  3. bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
  4. sculpture sculpture that depends on motion.
  5. arrange in a layer or layers.
  6. guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration (noun).
  7. an impervious material perforated with letters, shapes, or patterns through which a substance passes to a surface below.
  8. arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent.
  9. make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
  10. rendering of the basic elements of a composition, often made in a loosely detailed or quick manner. Sketches can be both finished works of art or studies for another composition.
  11. expressed,reflecting or reproducsing in a very bright manner of some subject.
  12. representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image.
  13. perception concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
  14. tending to remind one of something.
  15. make a copy of something.
  16. action or result of depicting something, especially in art.
  17. early sample built to test a concept or process.
  18. belonging to or occurring in the present.
  19. capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.
  20. area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
  21. decorative handwriting or lettering.
  22. method by which information is included or excluded from a photograph, film, or video,painting.
  23. piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
  24. modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.

49 Clues:copy or reproduction.a cleric or theologian.make a copy of something.calm depiction of something.arrange in a layer or layers.decoratewith a recurring design.achieve or complete successfully.expressed in pictures; illustrated.tending to remind one of something.decorative handwriting or lettering.impenetrable to the passage of light....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. singing in a group
  2. some paintings .............certain ideas
  3. there is a the gallery
  4. a form of written art,it includes poetry
  5. the people who watch a play at the theatre
  6. Various.............are used to create artwork.
  7. Mozart was a very ............ musician.
  8. ancient Greeks made them of stone,bronze or marble
  9. they write reviews
  10. this person supervises the actors at the theatre.
  11. Surrealism ia an art ............
  12. a musician plays an ............
  13. Shakespeare was a famous British............
  1. practice or trial performance
  2. a work of outstanding skill
  3. Some artists others.
  4. Students often find it difficult to .........the symbolism of a poem.
  5. the platform where actors perform
  6. the clothes actors wear
  7. Some artists like to paint ............from nature.
  8. people use paintings to ...........their houses.
  9. it is a kind of art
  10. Shakespeare wrote comedy and...........
  11. artists get .............from some themes
  12. the art of designing and constructing buildings
  13. this person writes music

26 Clues:singing in a groupthey write reviewsit is a kind of artthe clothes actors wearthis person writes musica work of outstanding skillpractice or trial performancea musician plays an ............the platform where actors performSurrealism ia an art ............Some artists others.Shakespeare wrote comedy and..............


Art crossword puzzle

  1. comes in all the colors and might stain your clothes
  2. the colors orange, green & purple are what kind of colors?
  3. a type of paint that has a chalky texture
  4. blue
  5. Nana Chris likes to paint with this kind of paint
  6. a type of paint that is thick and takes a long time to dry
  7. black
  8. gray
  9. a type of paint that is thick but dries fast
  1. white
  2. I come from trees and you can color on me
  3. green
  4. the art of folding paper
  5. filled with graphite
  6. best used for a colorful sidewalk creation
  7. tool for painting
  8. when you take 2 colors and rub them together
  9. put me on an easel and paint on me
  10. red
  11. the colors red, blue & yellow are what kind of colors?
  12. yellow

21 Clues:redbluegraywhitegreenblackyellowtool for paintingfilled with graphitethe art of folding paperput me on an easel and paint on meI come from trees and you can color on mea type of paint that has a chalky texturebest used for a colorful sidewalk creationwhen you take 2 colors and rub them togethera type of paint that is thick but dries fast...


art crossword puzzle

  1. produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper.
  2. the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively.
  3. relating to photography.
  4. a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen.
  5. a colored fluid used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating.
  6. a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially one for calcining lime or firing pottery.
  7. an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
  8. a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  9. material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.
  10. the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer.
  11. the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.
  12. a long, narrow mark or band.
  13. a soft and delicate shade of a color.
  14. a flaky covering or deposit.
  1. the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
  2. a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
  3. a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.
  4. a picture representing an area of countryside.
  5. a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or other rigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.
  6. explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
  7. a great artist of former times, especially of the 13th–17th century in Europe.
  8. a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design.
  9. pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay. Pottery can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.
  10. able to move or be moved freely or easily.
  11. a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.

25 Clues:relating to photography.a long, narrow mark or band.a flaky covering or deposit.a soft and delicate shade of a to move or be moved freely or easily.a picture representing an area of countryside.the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall....


art crossword puzzle

  1. an instrument for writing or drawing with ink, typically consisting of a metal nib or ball, or a nylon tip, fitted into a metal or plastic holder.
  2. a set of pieces of creative work collected by someone to display their skills, especially to a potential employer.
  3. a flaky covering or deposit.
  4. the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.
  5. a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design.
  6. explain or make (something) clear by using examples, charts, pictures, etc.
  7. a great artist of former times, especially of the 13th–17th century in Europe.
  8. a visible impression obtained by a camera, telescope, microscope, or other device, or displayed on a computer or video screen.
  9. a three-dimensional representation of a person or thing or of a proposed structure, typically on a smaller scale than the original.
  10. produce (books, newspapers, magazines, etc.), especially in large quantities, by a mechanical process involving the transfer of text, images, or designs to paper.
  11. a picture or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.
  12. the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point.
  13. a furnace or oven for burning, baking, or drying, especially one for calcining lime or firing pottery.
  14. a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or other rigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.
  1. an instrument for writing or drawing, consisting of a thin stick of graphite or a similar substance enclosed in a long thin piece of wood or fixed in a metal or plastic case.
  2. relating to photography.
  3. a soft and delicate shade of a color.
  4. a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
  5. able to move or be moved freely or easily.
  6. a colored fluid used for writing, drawing, printing, or duplicating.
  7. the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer.
  8. pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay. Pottery can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware.
  9. a long, narrow mark or band.
  10. a picture representing an area of countryside.
  11. a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  12. the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the internet) regarded collectively.
  13. material manufactured in thin sheets from the pulp of wood or other fibrous substances, used for writing, drawing, or printing on, or as wrapping material.

27 Clues:relating to photography.a flaky covering or deposit.a long, narrow mark or band.a soft and delicate shade of a to move or be moved freely or easily.a picture representing an area of countryside.the natural coloring matter of animal or plant tissue.the material or form used by an artist, composer, or writer....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. fast
  2. christmas
  3. baseball
  4. me
  5. church
  6. ipod
  7. read
  8. nothing
  9. love
  10. now
  11. tv
  12. food
  13. shows
  14. house
  15. her
  16. i
  1. sound
  2. class
  3. outerwear
  4. pretty
  5. feet
  6. weekly
  7. stars
  8. money
  9. hollywood
  10. you

26 Clues:imetvnowyouherfastfeetipodreadlovefoodsoundclassstarsmoneyshowshouseprettyweeklychurchnothingbaseballouterwearchristmashollywood


Art crossword puzzle

  1. a rough outline or drawing showing the main features of something
  2. a term used to describe work by untrained artists
  3. the material used to make a work of art. Examples include oil, watercolor, pencil, pen and ink, tempera, and pastel
  4. art that does not attempt to represent the appearance of objects, real or imaginary. ACTION: a way of painting by splashing and dripping paint with energetic movements.
  5. a subtractive method of sculpture; taking away wood or stone
  6. in a scene or artwork, the part that seems closest to the viewer
  7. generally defined as art produced during the second half of the 20th century.
  8. a large painting or artwork, generally designed for and created on the wall or ceiling of a public building
  9. the measurement of light and darkness in a work of art
  10. refers to the common name of the color such as red or green
  11. the part of a picture that appears to be farthest away from the viewer
  12. a technique for creating the illusion of depth on a 2-D surface
  13. equilibrium in a composition, either symmetrical or asymmetrical
  14. mark in paint made by a brush
  15. character studies that usually exaggerate one or more features
  16. natural forms changed by geometrical reduction
  17. a style of painting that seeks to represent the momentary effects of sunlight on color. LANDSCAPE: the scenery of an inland area, a painting or drawing of the land or natural environment
  18. a picture of a person or images that portray a person
  19. a statue or 3-D work of art
  20. wall paintings made by painting onto wet plaster
  1. a strong cloth which many artists have used as a surface for painting
  2. a tray or board on which colors of paint are mixed. Also, the set of colors used by an artist in a painting
  3. a type of paint made from a mixture of powdered pigments (colors) with a binder and water.
  4. a design or picture created by imbedding stones or pieces of glass on a floor, vault or wall
  5. a work of art created by arranging and gluing assorted materials onto a flat surface
  6. the painting of feelings, sometimes with recognizable images, often totally abstract
  7. the placement of forms, shapes, colors, and light and dark areas in a work of art.
  8. thick, water-based paints
  9. the use of light and shadow to create a focal point or mood
  10. the relationship of one object to another in size, shape, number or degree
  11. a support for an artist's canvas during painting
  12. the transition of color from one tone to another; for example, in a sky
  13. any color mixed with white
  14. a 20th-century art movement which used bizarre, dream-like images.
  15. any color mixed with black

35 Clues:thick, water-based paintsany color mixed with whiteany color mixed with blacka statue or 3-D work of artmark in paint made by a brushnatural forms changed by geometrical reductiona support for an artist's canvas during paintingwall paintings made by painting onto wet plastera term used to describe work by untrained artists...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. a shiny finish or coating that is put on pottery to make it waterproof
  2. a very large painting on walls
  3. natural or artificial materials that give paint or ink its color
  4. arts Useful arts intended for use in the home
  5. the art and science of making buildings
  6. a person who poses for an artist
  7. painting using pigments mixed with oil
  8. art made by using a brush or some other tool to put paint onto flat surfaces
  9. european artistic style from the 1600s that was very ornate or highly decorated
  10. another general term for pottery
  11. artistic objects made by shaping moist clay
  12. making sculpture by cutting away the unwanted parts
  1. a picture drawn with pen, pencil or crayon
  2. a picture of a person
  3. like carving, but done with a tool called a chisel
  4. a picture made from thousands of tiny pieces of glass or tile
  5. an oven in which pottery is baked at high temperatures
  6. art made by pressing and inked raised surface on paper
  7. a twentieth century art style which focused on feelings to the extent that images were often distorted
  8. art done with a camera
  9. a painting or drawing of beautiful scenery in the countryside
  10. handwriting letters in an artistic way
  11. a place where an artist shows his/her work
  12. making sculpture by using a mold
  13. a painting done with watercolors on walls

25 Clues:a picture of a personart done with a cameraa very large painting on wallsa person who poses for an artistmaking sculpture by using a moldanother general term for potteryhandwriting letters in an artistic waypainting using pigments mixed with oilthe art and science of making buildingsa painting done with watercolors on walls...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. heakskiit
  2. esiplaan
  3. heegeldama
  4. ese
  5. näitus
  6. rajama, asutama
  7. realism
  8. keraamika
  9. stseen
  1. grafiti
  2. kuulsus
  3. saavutama
  4. visand
  5. tõepäraselt
  6. savi
  7. ehete valmistamine
  8. veski
  9. väljendama
  10. äärmus
  11. emotsioon

20 Clues:esesaviveskivisandnäitusäärmusstseengrafitikuulsusrealismesiplaanheakskiitsaavutamaemotsioonkeraamikaheegeldamaväljendamatõepäraseltrajama, asutamaehete valmistamine


ART crossword puzzle

  1. voolima (nt looma)
  2. keraamika
  3. tee ise
  4. maastikumaal
  5. ballett
  6. akvarellid
  7. savi
  8. eelistus
  9. asi, ese
  10. kudumine
  1. õlivärvid
  2. kunstigalerii
  3. portreemaal
  4. vaatamiseks välja pandud
  5. hämmastav, imeline
  6. ehete valmistamine
  7. käsitöö
  8. heegeldamine
  9. näidend
  10. grafiti
  11. seaded
  12. kuduma

22 Clues:saviseadedkudumakäsitöötee isenäidendballettgrafitieelistusasi, esekudumineõlivärvidkeraamikaakvarellidportreemaalmaastikumaalheegeldaminekunstigaleriivoolima (nt looma)hämmastav, imelineehete valmistaminevaatamiseks välja pandud


art crossword puzzle

  1. co-founder of the Cubist movement, author of the Guernica(Name)
  2. an implement consisting of bristles, hair, or the like, set in or attached to a handle, used for painting, cleaning, polishing, grooming, etc.(noun)
  3. abounding in color (adjective)
  4. (morir) Some artist weren't famous at all untill they________ (phrasal verb)
  5. (secar)Beafore a painting can be moved, it needs to ___________ (phrasal verb)
  6. interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical (adjective)
  7. art museum located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City,the most influential museum of modern art in the world (name)
  8. to form or plan according to a model (verb)
  9. a stand or frame for supporting or displaying at an angle an artist's canvas, a blackboard, a china plate, etc (noun)
  10. is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris, by Gustave Eiffel (Name)
  11. to coat, cover, or decorate (something) with paint
  1. a piece of this or similar material on which a painting is made (noun)
  2. (imitar) It is illegal to ________ another's artist creation. (phrasal verb)
  3. promoting or inducing cheer; pleasant; bright(adjective)
  4. pertaining to the nonrepresentational art (adjective)
  5. carve or model a sculpture (verb)
  6. an inspiring or animating action or influence(noun)
  7. to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming; embellish (verb)
  8. (componer rápida y fácilmente) the cration process of some artists is to see an image in their head and then they can __________________ (phrasal verb)
  9. a room, series of rooms, or building devoted to the exhibition and often the sale of works of art (noun)
  10. that soothes (adjectives)
  11. (vivir de algo)Everyone knows it is very difficult to ________ art.
  12. out (borrar) It is very difficult to _______ when the artist makes a miskate in their painting. (phrasal verb)
  13. to move one's feet or body, or both, rhythmically in a pattern of steps, especially to the accompaniment of music (verb)

24 Clues:that soothes (adjectives)abounding in color (adjective)carve or model a sculpture (verb)to form or plan according to a model (verb)to coat, cover, or decorate (something) with paintan inspiring or animating action or influence(noun)pertaining to the nonrepresentational art (adjective)promoting or inducing cheer; pleasant; bright(adjective)...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. type of line used to show illusion of form
  2. color with the longest light wave
  3. art movement focused on creating high detailed fantasy images
  4. illusion making the artwork look like it is moving back in space
  5. colors which are adjacent to each other on the color wheel
  6. complementary color of blue
  7. darkest part of a blended sphere
  8. "wild beasts" known for using bright arbitrary color
  9. a mistake
  10. spectrum bent into a circle
  11. precise shapes described using mathematical formulas
  12. complementary color of purple
  13. adjective used to describe configuration of lines
  1. element concerned with how an artwork feels
  2. group of colors containing: red, orange, yellow
  3. part of blended sphere which makes it look real
  4. element utilized to show illusion of form
  5. group of colors containing: orange, purple, green
  6. artworks created with only one color
  7. line used to draw the outline of an object
  8. array of colors arranged according to the length of light waves
  9. adjective used to describe configuration of lines
  10. adjective used to describe configuration of lines
  11. two-dimensional area
  12. group of colors containing:red, yellow, blue
  13. complementary color of red
  14. scale of value from light to dark
  15. irregular and uneven shapes
  16. brightest point on a blended sphere
  17. combination of an adjacent primary and secondary color
  18. group of colors containing: blue, green, purple

31 Clues:a mistaketwo-dimensional areacomplementary color of redcomplementary color of bluespectrum bent into a circleirregular and uneven shapescomplementary color of purpledarkest part of a blended spherecolor with the longest light wavescale of value from light to darkbrightest point on a blended sphereartworks created with only one color...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. color, or opaque watercolor, is one type of watermedia, paint consisting of natural pigment, water, a binding agent (usually gum arabic or dextrin), and sometimes additional inert material.
  2. sculpture technique in which figures and/or other design elements are just barely more prominent than the (overall flat) background.
  3. an attribute of our perception which is mainly influenced by a colour's lightness.
  4. method of making prints from a metal plate, usually copper, into which the design has been incised by acid.
  5. tempera-a permanent, fast-drying painting medium consisting of colored pigments mixed with a water-soluble binder medium, usually glutinous material such as egg yolk.
  6. material (such as a drawing or photograph) prepared for reproduction in printed matter
  7. form of dry art medium made of finely ground organic materials that are held together by a gum or wax binder or produced without the use of binders by eliminating the oxygen inside the material during the production process.
  8. of drawing with chalk, a prepared natural stone or earth substance that is usually available in black
  9. Carve-the act of using tools to shape something from a material by scraping away portions of that material.
  10. artist's way of using elements of art, principles of design, and media.
  11. represent by or as if by a picture
  12. important art supply to get your canvas ready for painting
  13. technique of an art production, primarily used in the visual arts, where the artwork is made from an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
  14. paintbrush is a brush used to apply paint or sometimes ink. A paintbrush is usually made by clamping the bristles to a handle with a ferrule.
  1. natural earthy material that is plastic when wet, consisting essentially of hydrated silicates of aluminium: used for making bricks, pottery, etc.
  2. edges of shapes or colours one into the other in order to create a seamless gradation from one to the next
  3. a manufacturing process in which a liquid material is usually poured into a mold
  4. drawing-a type of parietal art (which category also includes hieroglyphs, or engravings), found on the wall or ceilings of caves.
  5. heat or burn in" (enkaustikos). Heat is used throughout the process, from melting the beeswax and varnish to fusing the layers of wax.
  6. artistic form or medium usually created on a defined substrate that consists of three-dimensional elements projecting out of or from the substrate.
  7. bridge-a ruler like instrument used by artists to support and steady the hand movements.
  8. that does not attempt to represent external reality, but seeks to achieve its effect using shapes, forms, colours, and textures.
  9. fine parallel lines drawn closely together to create the illusion of shade or texture in a drawing
  10. large sheet of paper or card.
  11. technique of mural painting executed upon freshly laid, or wet lime plaster.
  12. Chisel- a "resist" process for making designs on fabric. The artist uses wax to prevent dye from penetrating the cloth, leaving "blank" areas in the dyed fabric.
  13. gallery-a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.

27 Clues:large sheet of paper or card.represent by or as if by a pictureimportant art supply to get your canvas ready for paintinggallery-a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.artist's way of using elements of art, principles of design, and media.technique of mural painting executed upon freshly laid, or wet lime plaster....


ART crossword puzzle

  1. - to be completely unsuccessful, fail totally
  2. - a self-supporting wooden frame for holding an artist's work while it is being painted or drawn.
  3. - a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.
  4. - a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering
  5. - a painting done rapidly in watercolor on wet plaster on a wall or ceiling, so that the colors penetrate the plaster and become fixed as it dries.
  6. - a list of the people involved in making a film that is shown at the end or beginning of it
  7. - the first projector and one of the leading antecedents of the movies
  8. - a device that opens and closes to expose the film in a camera.
  9. - the actors taking part in a movie
  10. - an advertisement for a film or television programme that shows a short part of that film
  11. - a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  12. - comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events.
  13. - a lamp projecting a narrow, intense beam of light directly onto a performer on stage
  14. - a public display of works of art or other items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.
  15. - a person who learns another's role in order to be able to act at short notice in their absence.
  16. - a story someone writes for a film
  17. - a device composed of bristles typically set into a handle and used especially for sweeping, smoothing, scrubbing, or painting
  18. - a device on a camera showing the field of view of the lens, used in framing and focusing the picture
  19. - a balcony, especially a platform or upper floor, providing space for an audience or musicians.
  20. - the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light.
  21. - a sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause.
  22. - a strong, regular, repeated pattern of movement or sound.
  1. - a thing that is not genuine; a forgery or sham.
  2. - the chief part in a play or film.
  3. - a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors.
  4. - an opening, hole, or gap.
  5. - a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture.
  6. - a practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance.
  7. - a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
  8. - of only moderate quality; not very good
  9. - the seats on the ground floor in a theater.
  10. - a light bulb that flashes in order to illuminate a photographic subject
  11. - artists' paint made with a water-soluble binder such as gum arabic, and thinned with water rather than oil, giving a transparent color.
  12. - a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
  13. - theater actors
  14. - interesting or exciting
  15. - the light-gathering device of a camera, typically containing a group of compound lenses.
  16. - a recurrent theme throughout a musical or literary composition, associated with a particular person, idea, or situation.
  17. - a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a cinema or theatre or at a wedding.
  18. - transmit (a programme or some information) by radio or television.

40 Clues:- theater actors- interesting or exciting- an opening, hole, or gap.- the chief part in a play or film.- the actors taking part in a movie- a story someone writes for a film- of only moderate quality; not very good- to be completely unsuccessful, fail totally- the seats on the ground floor in a theater....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. A term for a visual arts technique
  2. An overused image or symbol
  3. Surface quality
  4. The Japanese art of folding paper
  5. Relating to or based on concepts
  6. Exaggerated proportions
  7. Violet orange and green
  8. Emotion/feelings within a work
  9. Flat or even color
  10. Famous painter
  11. To cover a part in a composition
  12. Body of work
  13. The path of a moving point
  14. Focal point
  15. Mixing a complement pair together to decrease intensity
  1. Organizes elements
  2. Using common elements in pattern
  3. Equilibrium of composition,visual wight
  4. The art of painting with water
  5. To Copy
  6. All the visible features of an area of countryside or land
  7. Original, imaginative ideas
  8. Differences in lightness or darkness
  9. Developed sketches
  10. Existing in thought or as an idea
  11. To remove unwanted imagery
  12. Particular manner of an artist
  13. Red blue and yellow

28 Clues:To CopyFocal pointBody of workFamous painterSurface qualityOrganizes elementsDeveloped sketchesFlat or even colorRed blue and yellowExaggerated proportionsViolet orange and greenTo remove unwanted imageryThe path of a moving pointAn overused image or symbolOriginal, imaginative ideasThe art of painting with waterEmotion/feelings within a work...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works.
  2. a brush for applying paint.
  3. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
  4. artists' paint made with a water-soluble binder such as gum arabic, and thinned with water rather than oil, giving a transparent color.
  5. the art of painting with oil paints.
  6. is a creation in any area of the arts that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill, profundity, or workmanship.
  7. pictuicre or pattern produced by arranging together small colored pieces of hard material, such as stone, tile, or glass.
  8. a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture, such as bowls and glassware.
  9. art is art for which the idea (or concept) behind the work is more important than the finished art object. ... When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair.
  10. a picture representing an area of countryside.
  11. a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is built or made.
  1. is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.
  2. the art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.
  3. a colored substance which is spread over a surface and dries to leave a thin decorative or protective coating.
  4. a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil. It can be molded when wet, and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics.
  5. a picture or diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon rather than paint.
  6. a print made from an engraved plate, block, or other surface.
  7. pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.
  8. a simply or hastily executed drawing or painting, especially a preliminary one, giving the essential features without the details.
  9. a carved or cast figure of a person or animal, especially one that is life-size or larger.
  10. a picture of a view of an expanse of sea.
  11. a creative work that resembles such a composition in incorporating various materials or elements.

22 Clues:a brush for applying paint.the art of painting with oil paints.a picture of a view of an expanse of sea.a picture representing an area of countryside.pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.a room where an artist, photographer, sculptor, etc. works.a print made from an engraved plate, block, or other surface....


art crossword puzzle

  1. design, ordering of physical environment by means of architecture, engineering, construction, etc.
  2. planning, aspect of architecture and interior design that deals with planning, layout, design and furnishing of spaces within a proposed or existing building
  3. conscience use of skill, craft and creative imagination
  4. planning, activity or profession of determining the future physical arrangement and condition of a community, involving an appraisal of current conditions, also called town planning
  5. applied science, branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical methods and materials, and their interrelation with life, society, and environment
  6. design, aspect of architecture and city planning that deals with the design of urban structures and spaces
  7. critical judgement, discernment, or appreciation of what is fitting, harmonious, or beautiful
  8. conscious act of forming things, resulting in a unifying or coherent structure
  9. profession of designing buildings and other habitable environment
  10. design, art, business, or profession of planning the design and supervising the execution of architectural interiors
  11. science, seek to discover general truths from observation of human behavior in society
  12. science of human social institutions and relationships specif., study of origin of organized groups of human, etc.
  13. science of human beings, specif., study of origins
  14. unifying structure or concept of an artistic work
  15. branch of philosophy that deals with nature of art, beauty, and taste with a view of establishing the meaning and validity of critical judgement
  1. state or quality of being solidly constructed
  2. science of art or the arts in general
  3. approach to architecture in vernacular, strives to counter a lack of identity or sense of place
  4. product or result of architectural work; buildings,collectively
  5. aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives intense pleasure to the senses, or deep satisfaction to the mind or spirit
  6. science of art of shaping, ornamenting, or assembling materials in building construction
  7. art and science of applying scientific principles to practical ends in the design and construction of structures, machines and systems
  8. branch of knowledge dealing with a body of facts, truths obtained by directed observation, experimental investigation, and methodical study, systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws.
  9. high degree of pleasure or enjoyment
  10. something of value, use or convenience
  11. style or method of building characteristic of a people, place or time

26 Clues:high degree of pleasure or enjoymentscience of art or the arts in generalsomething of value, use or conveniencestate or quality of being solidly constructedunifying structure or concept of an artistic workscience of human beings, specif., study of originsconscience use of skill, craft and creative imagination...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. You use it to draw with
  2. You use this to paint with
  3. what makes clay smooth and shiny
  4. second layer of paint
  5. Provide you with a straight line
  6. combination of elements such as point and line
  7. this type of art is used with clay
  8. your mind holds it for any idea
  9. you use this to wright on a white board
  10. Cuts papers
  11. position and location
  12. another word for a horizontal drawing
  13. draw something your looking at
  14. A pencil with ink in it
  15. drawing the lines of a image
  16. associated with wool and cotton
  17. black and white are not colors they are__________
  1. spreads the grey lead out when you rub it
  2. a sparkly substance
  3. something that gets rid of ink on paper
  4. connect pieces of paper at one corner
  5. describe terms of its shadows
  6. holds paint
  7. hot liquid that sticks things together
  8. trays holds paint
  9. glue and paper to make a model
  10. what is waxy and is a smaller and thicker version of a pencil
  11. used to get rid of grey led
  12. this sharpens your pencil
  13. A vertical drawing of a human
  14. liner A pen that make art stand out more
  15. make a picture stand out more
  16. fold paper different ways to make a model

33 Clues:holds paintCuts paperstrays holds painta sparkly substancesecond layer of paintposition and locationYou use it to draw withA pencil with ink in itthis sharpens your pencilYou use this to paint withused to get rid of grey leddrawing the lines of a imagedescribe terms of its shadowsA vertical drawing of a humanmake a picture stand out more...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. impenetrable to the passage of light.
  2. life,a painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects, typically including fruit and flowers and objects contrasting with these in texture.
  3. denoting an action or event preceding or done in preparation for something fuller or more important.
  4. method by which information is included or excluded from a photograph, film, or video,painting.
  5. a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmansabsorb all the attention or interest of.
  6. an impervious material perforated with letters, shapes, or patterns through which a substance passes to a surface below.
  7. temporary structure, made usually of wooden planks, used by workers while building, repairing the building.
  8. cloth made from cotton, or a similar yarn, used as a surface for oil painting.
  9. range of colors used by an artist in making a work of art; 2. A thin wooden or plastic board on which an artist holds and mixes paint.
  10. decoratewith a recurring design.
  11. capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing.
  12. guiding spirit that is thought to inspire artists; source of genius or inspiration (noun).
  13. Paint,a paint in which pigment is suspended in oil, which dries on exposure to air.
  14. area of an image—usually a photograph, drawing, or painting—that appears closest to the viewer.
  15. perception concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
  16. representation of an object, situation, or set of information as a chart or other image.
  17. sculpture sculpture that depends on motion.
  18. decorative handwriting or lettering.
  19. piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering.
  20. tending to remind one of something.
  21. manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.
  22. versatility,extremely surprising or impressive range of something.
  23. make a prominent exhibition of (something) in a place where it can be easily seen.
  24. expressed,reflecting or reproducsing in a very bright manner of some subject.
  25. particular gradation of color; a shade or tint.
  1. bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.
  2. natural landforms of a region; also, an image that has natural scenery as its primary focus.
  3. painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall.
  4. treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.
  5. early sample built to test a concept or process.
  6. the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
  7. expressed in pictures; illustrated.
  8. stimulating careful consideration or attention.
  9. very similar to the person or thing represented.
  10. modern character or quality of thought, expression, or technique.
  11. arousing awe through being impressive, formidable, or magnificent.
  12. achieve or complete successfully.
  13. copy or reproduction.
  14. type of paint made from very fine pigments and resin that form a glossy surface.
  15. belonging to or occurring in the present.
  16. action or result of depicting something, especially in art.
  17. make a copy of something.
  18. style,artefacts, or traits considered characteristic of the peoples and cultures of Asia.
  19. calm depiction of something.
  20. rendering of the basic elements of a composition, often made in a loosely detailed or quick manner. Sketches can be both finished works of art or studies for another composition.
  21. a cleric or theologian.
  22. merit,is a term that is used in relation to cultural products when referring to the judgment of their perceived quality or value as works of art.
  23. distance from the top or surface of something to its bottom.
  24. arrange in a layer or layers.

49 Clues:copy or reproduction.a cleric or theologian.make a copy of something.calm depiction of something.arrange in a layer or layers.decoratewith a recurring design.achieve or complete successfully.expressed in pictures; illustrated.tending to remind one of something.decorative handwriting or lettering.impenetrable to the passage of light....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. A type of soft white rock used for writing or drawing
  2. The type of book or story that is written about imaginary characters and events and not based on real people and facts
  3. A musical play in which most of the words are sung, or plays and music of this type
  4. The art and practice of designing and making buildings
  5. A paint that is mixed with water to create pictures
  6. An event at which objects such as paintings are shown to the public
  7. A painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person
  8. A view or picture of the countryside
  9. A shape or pattern cut into wood or stone or the skill of doing this
  10. The life story of a person written by someone else
  11. A type of dancing in which controlled movements of the body are designed to express the beauty of physical motion, often while telling a story
  1. Colored liquid used for writing, printing, and drawing
  2. Someone who creates things with great skill and imagination
  3. An object with short pieces of stiff hair attached to a base or handle, used for painting
  4. A long printed story about imaginary characters and events
  5. A border that surrounds and supports a picture
  6. Beautiful writing, often created with a special pen or brush
  7. A pattern or picture made using many small pieces of colored stone or glass
  8. A small stick of colored wax used for drawing or writing
  9. life A type of painting or drawing of an arrangement of objects that do not move, such as flowers, fruit, bowls, etc.
  10. A room or building that is used for showing works of art, sometimes so that they can be sold
  11. A piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the painting itself

22 Clues:A view or picture of the countrysideA border that surrounds and supports a pictureA painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a personThe life story of a person written by someone elseA paint that is mixed with water to create picturesA type of soft white rock used for writing or drawingColored liquid used for writing, printing, and drawing...


art crossword puzzle

  1. an object made by pouring molten metal or other material into a mold.
  2. movies considered as an art or industry.
  3. charcoal used for drawing.
  4. decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.
  5. an instrument for drawing circles and arcs and measuring distances between points, consisting of two arms linked by a movable joint, one arm ending in a point and the other usually carrying a pencil or pen.
  6. An Artist's Bridge is a ruler like instrument used by artists to support and steady the hand movements.
  7. merge (a color) with another so that one is not clearly distinguishable from the othe
  8. cut (a hard material) in order to produce an object, design, or inscription.
  9. relating to abstract art.
  10. the art or action of conceiving of and producing a plan or drawing.
  11. a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine.
  12. an implement with a handle, consisting of bristles, hair, or wire set into a block, used for cleaning or scrubbing, applying a liquid or powder to a surface, arranging the hair, or other purposes.
  1. a person who practices any of the various creative arts, such as a sculptor, novelist, poet, or filmmaker.
  2. a long-bladed hand tool with a beveled cutting edge and a plain handle that is struck with a hammer or mallet, used to cut or shape wood, stone, metal, or other hard materials.
  3. having or revealing natural creative skill.
  4. a room or building for the display or sale of works of art.
  5. the art or practice of designing and constructing buildings.
  6. the technique of photographing successive drawings or positions of puppets or models to create an illusion of movement when the movie is shown as a sequence
  7. paint a fast-drying paint made of pigment
  8. a work of art made by grouping found or unrelated objects.
  9. the quality of being vividly and boldly colored.
  10. a piece of art made by sticking various different materials such as photographs and pieces of paper or fabric on to a backing.
  11. the visible shape or configuration of something.
  12. an artist's device for spraying paint by means of compressed air.
  13. strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, cotton, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting.
  14. the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.
  15. illustrations, photographs, or other nontextual material prepared for inclusion in a publication.
  16. spots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.

28 Clues:relating to abstract art.charcoal used for drawing.movies considered as an art or industry.paint a fast-drying paint made of pigmenthaving or revealing natural creative skill.decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering.the quality of being vividly and boldly colored.the visible shape or configuration of something....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. The quality of a surface. One of the seven elements of art.
  2. colors Orange, green and purple.
  3. An arrangement of shapes adhered to a background.
  4. A natural, moist earth substance used in making bricks, tile, pottery and ceramic sculpture.
  5. paint An opaque, water soluble paint available in liquid or powdered form.
  6. colors Colors opposite each other on the color wheel.
  7. The art principle which refers to the arrangement of elements in an art work.
  8. An element of art used in drawing, painting and sculpture. A line is the path of a moving point.
  9. colors Colors next to each other on the color wheel.
  10. Preliminary or rough draft, typically made with pencil, crayon, pen, brush or pastel.
  11. The amount of light or shade in a color. The value range in a painting.
  12. The arrangement of the parts of a work of art.
  13. Coarse cloth or heavy fabric that must be stretched and primed to use for painting, particularly for oil paintings.
  14. Representations on a flat surface usually made with pen, pencil, crayon, chalk or paint with an emphasis on line.
  15. line The horizontal line that distinguishes the sky from the earth, or the ground from the wall. The eye-level of the artists view. Also, where the vanishing point lies in a perspective drawing.
  1. Refers to the darker values of a color.
  2. The element of art that describes a two-dimensional area (height and width).
  3. Pigment with a water soluble binder. Available in semi-moist cakes or tubes.
  4. The use of found objects or three-dimensional objects to create a work of art.
  5. wheel The organization of colors on a wheel.
  6. Tints and shades of single hue or color.
  7. From the Italian word meaning "drawing" which also implied planning and composing.
  8. The range of lightness or darkness in a color. A gray scale shows the range of values in photography.
  9. paint A plastic, water soluble pigment used for painting.
  10. Art Art created from a realistic situation but represented unrealistically.
  11. The technical reference to color.
  12. A principle in art where important elements and ideas are emphasized via composition.
  13. colors The basic colors that can be used to mix other colors.
  14. A hue mixed with white to create lighter values.
  15. A drawing material made from charred wood.
  16. A large "oven" used for firing clay work.
  17. An element of art focused on all three dimensions (height, width and depth).

32 Clues:colors Orange, green and purple.The technical reference to color.Refers to the darker values of a color.Tints and shades of single hue or color.A large "oven" used for firing clay work.A drawing material made from charred wood.wheel The organization of colors on a wheel.The arrangement of the parts of a work of art....


art crossword puzzle

  1. not interesting or exciting in any way
  2. certain or extremely likely to happen
  3. a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation
  4. pleasing and easy to remember
  5. to give a new appearance to a person or thing, especially in order to hide its true form
  6. having or expressing more than one possible meaning, sometimes intentionally
  7. to begin to feel as if you have no energy and want to rest or go to sleep, or to make someone feel this way
  8. too extreme and not suitable, or demanding too much attention or effort, especially in an uncontrolled way
  9. to succeed in avoiding punishment for something
  10. harm done to someone as a punishment for harm that they have done to someone else
  11. causing strong feelings of sadness or sympathy
  1. making someone feel better
  2. to behave in a way that expresses your confidence, importance, or power and earns you respect from others
  3. extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter
  4. a feeling of nervousness before an important or difficult event
  5. related to buying and selling things
  6. not strong or bright colors
  7. relationship, especially a secret one
  8. reading carefully and thinking about it
  9. something that blocks you so that movement, going forward, or action is prevented or made more difficult
  10. to use something in a way that helps you
  11. an intentional act, especially a very bad or very good one
  12. traditional and ordinary

23 Clues:traditional and ordinarymaking someone feel betternot strong or bright colorspleasing and easy to rememberrelated to buying and selling thingscertain or extremely likely to happenrelationship, especially a secret onenot interesting or exciting in any wayreading carefully and thinking about itto use something in a way that helps you...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. куратор; смотритель зала в музее
  2. натюрморт (2 words)
  3. череп
  4. кран
  5. покровитель, меценат
  6. шедевр
  7. состояние
  8. возмещающий, компенсирующий
  9. морской пейзаж
  10. фреска, настенная живопись
  11. бесценный
  1. бесполезный, никчёмный
  2. абстрактное (искусство)
  3. реалистичное (искусство)
  4. дилер, агент
  5. ценный, полезный
  6. инспектор дорожного движения
  7. пейзаж, ландшафт
  8. открывать торжественно

19 Clues:кранчерепшедеврсостояниебесценныйдилер, агентморской пейзажценный, полезныйпейзаж, ландшафтнатюрморт (2 words)покровитель, меценатбесполезный, никчёмныйоткрывать торжественноабстрактное (искусство)реалистичное (искусство)фреска, настенная живописьвозмещающий, компенсирующийинспектор дорожного движениякуратор; смотритель зала в музее


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Also a type of art put on a screen that is made into a video
  2. The things you use to create art
  3. simple thing that you should have learned in kindergarten
  4. simple fun things that you can do in your spare time
  5. The art style that is very life like
  6. You use clay (or other things) to make a.....
  7. simple drawings for fun
  8. The person who created this (full name)
  9. A drawing wich should take up to 10sec.-5min. to finish
  10. Bob Ross made tutorials for this art style
  1. This is a simple quick figure of what you are drawing
  2. aesthetic or appealing to the eye (this one might be hard so the answer is artistic design)
  3. Art made on an electronic
  4. simple fun thing to do that should take no time
  5. The drawing of a human body
  6. Your way of drawing
  7. outlining
  8. Art that is mostly found on the side of buildings
  9. The shadow of the drawing

19 Clues:outliningYour way of drawingsimple drawings for funArt made on an electronicThe shadow of the drawingThe drawing of a human bodyThe things you use to create artThe art style that is very life likeThe person who created this (full name)Bob Ross made tutorials for this art styleYou use clay (or other things) to make a........


Art crossword puzzle

  1. художник
  2. автопортрет
  3. слова к песне
  4. пейзаж
  5. представление
  6. выставка
  7. публика
  8. сцена
  9. набросок
  10. рисунок
  1. испытывать отвращение
  2. шедевр
  3. вдохновленный
  4. натюрморт
  5. актерский состав
  6. мелодия
  7. разочарованный
  8. очарованный
  9. дирижер

19 Clues:сценашедеврпейзажмелодияпубликадирижеррисунокхудожниквыставканабросокнатюрмортавтопортреточарованныйвдохновленныйслова к песнепредставлениеразочарованныйактерский состависпытывать отвращение


Art crossword puzzle

  1. a hole or mark on the surface of something (hole)
  2. is a temporary non-traditional exhibition that runs for a day to a month, often held in a space like a store or an artist's studio.
  3. the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands (skill)
  4. to make or (especially of metal) become less bright or a different colour (to become dull, to discolor)
  5. (confused and uncertain)
  6. a style of art and design that is based on the art and buildings of ancient Greece and Rome, the revival of a classical style
  7. the process of improving something (improvement)
  8. a movement in painting that flourished in France and characterized by strong colors, free treatment of form, creating a vibrant and decorative effect
  9. invented and not true or not existing (false, fake)
  10. a movement in painting that flourished in New York artists shared an interest in using abstraction to convey strong emotional or expressive content (action painting)
  1. having a lot of small parts that are arranged in a complicated or delicate way (complicated)
  2. a style of medieval art that developed in the 12th century and is known for soaring lines, busy details, and crowded compositions ( large stained glass windows, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses, and ornate decoration)
  3. to increase the size or value of something by adding something to it (to increase)
  4. a style of art characterized by the highly detailed depiction of ordinary life with the impersonality of a photograph
  5. a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art in which unusual or impossible things are shown happening
  6. to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way (to mock)
  7. the state of being overwhelmed with emotions.
  8. to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality ()

18 Clues:(confused and uncertain)the state of being overwhelmed with emotions.the process of improving something (improvement)a hole or mark on the surface of something (hole)invented and not true or not existing (false, fake)to fill someone or something with an emotion or quality ()to laugh at someone or something in an unkind way (to mock)...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. слова к песне
  2. натюрморт
  3. очарованный
  4. публика
  5. дирижер
  6. мелодия
  7. пейзаж
  8. представление
  9. испытывать отвращение
  10. выставка
  1. вдохновленный
  2. сцена
  3. набросок
  4. автопортрет
  5. шедевр
  6. разочарованный
  7. актерский состав
  8. рисунок
  9. художник

19 Clues:сценашедеврпейзажпубликадирижеррисунокмелодиянабросокхудожниквыставканатюрмортавтопортреточарованныйслова к песневдохновленныйпредставлениеразочарованныйактерский состависпытывать отвращение


Art crossword puzzle

  1. This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
  2. They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners' agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
  3. These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
  4. This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
  5. This is a picture that presents a person.
  6. The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
  1. This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
  2. This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
  3. This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
  4. This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
  5. This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
  6. This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
  7. They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
  8. This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
  9. If art is ..... it doesn't show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
  10. This is a picture that presents some scenery.
  11. This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
  12. This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.

18 Clues:This is a picture that presents a person.This is a picture that presents some scenery.This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
  2. This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
  3. These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
  4. They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners' agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
  5. This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
  6. This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
  7. This is a picture that presents a person.
  8. This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
  9. The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
  1. They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
  2. This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
  3. This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
  4. This is a picture that presents some scenery.
  5. If art is ..... it doesn't show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
  6. This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
  7. This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
  8. This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
  9. This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.

18 Clues:This is a picture that presents a person.This is a picture that presents some scenery.This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners' agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
  2. The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
  3. This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
  4. This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
  5. These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
  6. If art is ..... it doesn't show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
  7. This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
  8. This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
  1. This is a picture that presents a person.
  2. This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
  3. This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
  4. This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
  5. This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
  6. This is a picture that presents some scenery.
  7. They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
  8. This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
  9. This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
  10. This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.

18 Clues:This is a picture that presents a person.This is a picture that presents some scenery.This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners' agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
  2. This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
  3. This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
  4. They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
  5. This is a picture that presents some scenery.
  6. This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
  7. This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
  8. This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
  9. This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
  10. The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
  11. This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
  1. This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
  2. If art is ..... it doesn't show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
  3. These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
  4. This is a picture where the artist has painted his or her own face or figure.
  5. This is a picture that presents a person.
  6. This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.
  7. This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.

18 Clues:This is a picture that presents a person.This is a picture that presents some scenery.This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Creates a focal point that is the center of interest in an artwork
  2. 2-dimensional (length and width)
  3. visual relation of one part of a work to another
  4. distribution of visual weight in an artwork
  5. Great differences in two elements of art in a work
  6. how something feels
  7. 3-dimensional (height, width, length) and viewed from all side like a sculpture
  8. to conceive and plan out a project in your mind
  9. repetition of movement using color, shape or lines
  1. how dark or light something is
  2. how elements are arranged in an artwork
  3. mark made by a pointed tool
  4. used to direct viewers through an artwork
  5. an illusion that creates the feeling of depth
  6. makes an artwork feel complete and finished
  7. planned or random repetitions in an artwork
  8. its when all elements have been arranged into a visually pleasing work
  9. another name for color

18 Clues:how something feelsanother name for colormark made by a pointed toolhow dark or light something is2-dimensional (length and width)how elements are arranged in an artworkused to direct viewers through an artworkmakes an artwork feel complete and finishedplanned or random repetitions in an artworkdistribution of visual weight in an artwork...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. magical story
  2. the actors is brilliant acting
  3. gives instuctions to the actors in a film or play
  4. he write the story of the films
  5. pasted on walls and buildings
  6. a novel, true story
  7. flawless, fantastic
  8. a rock floating in space
  9. scary movie atmosphere below
  1. write operas
  2. type of film
  3. concent of the film
  4. honors
  5. we know what's coming
  6. crime film's main subject
  7. sculptor make this
  8. spiritual, mental
  9. copy

18 Clues:copyhonorswrite operastype of filmmagical storyspiritual, mentalsculptor make thisconcent of the filma novel, true storyflawless, fantasticwe know what's cominga rock floating in spacecrime film's main subjectscary movie atmosphere belowpasted on walls and buildingsthe actors is brilliant actinghe write the story of the films...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Yellow is the complement of
  2. 3 colours equally spaced around the colour wheel
  3. Used to create the effect of hair, scales, or fur
  4. Colours that are next to each other on the colour wheel
  5. Pure colour
  6. colours that are across from each other on the colour wheel
  7. This colour mixed with Yellow makes Green
  8. Red,Orange,Yellow are this type of colour
  1. This element of art adds vibrance to a painting or drawing
  2. Colours that are in between Primary and Secondary Colours
  3. Shading from dark to light
  4. This colour mixed with Yellow Makes Orange
  5. Adding White to a colour
  6. Blue,Green,Violet are this type of colour
  7. Red is the complement of
  8. Orange,Green,Violet
  9. Adding Black to a colour
  10. Blue,Yellow,Red

18 Clues:Pure colourBlue,Yellow,RedOrange,Green,VioletAdding White to a colourRed is the complement ofAdding Black to a colourShading from dark to lightYellow is the complement ofBlue,Green,Violet are this type of colourThis colour mixed with Yellow makes GreenRed,Orange,Yellow are this type of colourThis colour mixed with Yellow Makes Orange...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Type of sculpture, commonly but not always a portrait, that includes the chest or part of the chest, as well as the head.
  2. the front or face of a building, generally an area of the exterior that contains an entrance.
  3. Shallow pier or rectangular column projecting from a wall. They are distinct from engaged columns: they are not structural—at best they are quasi-structural—and are used either as decoration, sometimes with a carved face, or to make manifest an underlying architectonic order.
  4. The ... capital is more ornate than the Ionic. It is decorated with 3 superimposed rows of carved foliage (acanthus leaves) around the capital.
  5. a triangular space above a window or entrance. Originally the triangular space was formed by the end of a gable roof and later was used decoratively
  6. Decorative element that divides a column from the masonry which it supports.
  7. A cylindrical support, usually structural but often decorative.
  8. Term used in Western architecture for a covered area before the entrance to a building, of grander proportions than a simple porch and usually forming the central element in the façade.
  9. A curved structural member spanning an opening or recess.
  10. Flat horizontal beam which spans the space between two supports.
  1. Decorative architectural motif in the form of a coiled scroll, used especially on Classical capitals
  2. Term used to describe one of the first genuinely global styles of art and architecture in the Western canon from 16th century.
  3. Uppermost element of a capital on a column or pilaster
  4. Ornamental motif based on the leaves of an evergreen shrub native to the Mediterranean area
  5. The basically semicircular area enclosed by the arch above the lintel of an arched entranceway. This area is often decorated with sculpture in the Romanesque and Gothic periods.
  6. Liturgical implement in which the eucharistic wine is offered
  7. a recess in the thickness of a wall.
  8. An ... capital has a volute, or a spiral scroll-like carving, on each side as its major decoration.

18 Clues:a recess in the thickness of a wall.Uppermost element of a capital on a column or pilasterA curved structural member spanning an opening or recess.Liturgical implement in which the eucharistic wine is offeredA cylindrical support, usually structural but often decorative.Flat horizontal beam which spans the space between two supports....


ART crossword puzzle

  1. what we use to put around our picture
  2. we use this to make circles
  3. what we use to hold our picture when painting
  4. the postioning of the body
  5. painted with paint that is water based
  6. a picture of countryside/ or angle of paper
  7. the postioning of the hands
  1. black , white
  2. we draw with this, made of lead
  3. the objects around or held
  4. we use these to cut things
  5. we use this to draw, ink is spread by a hard sponge
  6. a picture of a person/ or angle of paper
  7. the setting of the picture
  8. what we use to paint
  9. pink, blue, green
  10. green with a blue ... blue with a red ...

17 Clues:black , whitepink, blue, greenwhat we use to paintthe objects around or heldwe use these to cut thingsthe setting of the picturethe postioning of the bodywe use this to make circlesthe postioning of the handswe draw with this, made of leadwhat we use to put around our picturepainted with paint that is water based...

Mega2a kpl6: huonekalut2018-01-25

Mega2a kpl6: huonekalut crossword puzzle

  1. sänky _______ (Mikä art.?)
  2. lattia _______ (Mikä art.?)(ß=ss)
  3. juliste _______ (Mikä art.?)
  4. TV _______ (Mikä art.?)
  5. kirj.pöytä _______ (Mikä art.?)
  6. nurkka _______ (Mikä art.?)
  7. tuoli _______ (Mikä art.?)
  8. lamppu _______ (Mikä art.?)
  9. verho _______ (Mikä art.?)
  1. ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?)
  2. kirjahylly _______ (Mikä art.?)
  3. sohva _______ (Mikä art.?)
  4. matto _______ (Mikä art.?)
  5. pöytä _______ (Mikä art.?)
  6. kaappi _______ (Mikä art.?)
  7. nojatuoli _______ (Mikä art.?)
  8. kuva, yaulu _______ (Mikä art.?)
  9. ovi _______ (Mikä art.?)(ü=ue)
  10. seinä _______ (Mikä art.?)

19 Clues:TV _______ (Mikä art.?)sänky _______ (Mikä art.?)sohva _______ (Mikä art.?)matto _______ (Mikä art.?)pöytä _______ (Mikä art.?)tuoli _______ (Mikä art.?)seinä _______ (Mikä art.?)verho _______ (Mikä art.?)ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?)kaappi _______ (Mikä art.?)nurkka _______ (Mikä art.?)lamppu _______ (Mikä art.?)juliste _______ (Mikä art.?)...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. The regular repetition of lines, color,, shapes or patterns
  2. The lightness of darkness of tones or colors
  3. The repeated use of an element such as color, shape or line within an artwork.
  4. All elements of a picture relate to each other or look like they are part of one work of art.
  5. The most important area of an artwork. Also called Center of Interest
  6. The extreme difference in lines, colors, shapes, values or textures
  7. A balance composed in a circle
  8. A 2-dimensional or flat area defined by an outline, tone, or color
  9. A 3-dimensional object that is long, wide and deep
  1. A balance where objects and shapes are the same on either side of a central line
  2. The path of a moving point
  3. The use of lines, shapes or colors to lead the viewer from one part of the picture to another.
  4. An assortment of lines,shapes, colors, textures, and forms to create interest
  5. The area within,around,between,above,or below,objects and shapes
  6. The arrangement of objects to create a feeling of equal weight.
  7. The surface or feel of an object, rough, scratchy
  8. Produced by light reflecting to our eyes

17 Clues:The path of a moving pointA balance composed in a circleProduced by light reflecting to our eyesThe lightness of darkness of tones or colorsThe surface or feel of an object, rough, scratchyA 3-dimensional object that is long, wide and deepThe regular repetition of lines, color,, shapes or patterns...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. kreatywny
  2. wynalazek
  3. architektura
  4. krajobraz
  5. fotograf
  6. skarb
  7. artysta
  8. model
  9. dumny
  1. odkryć
  2. rzeźba
  3. portret
  4. work of... - dzieło sztuki
  5. posąg
  6. wystawa
  7. art...- galeria sztuki
  8. produkować

17 Clues:posągskarbmodeldumnyodkryćrzeźbaportretwystawaartystafotografkreatywnywynalazekkrajobrazprodukowaćarchitekturaart...- galeria sztukiwork of... - dzieło sztuki


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Created with a brush
  2. Spanish painter
  3. A substrate
  4. Dutch Post-Impressionist painter
  5. The modern way
  6. A medium
  7. Red, yellow, blue
  8. Used to paint
  1. Prior to painting
  2. Vital for success
  3. A way of recording a scene
  4. Oscar-Claude, French painter
  5. Opposite colours on the colour wheel
  6. French sculptor
  7. Always dark and messy
  8. 3D art
  9. Used for drawing

17 Clues:3D artA mediumA substrateUsed to paintThe modern waySpanish painterFrench sculptorUsed for drawingPrior to paintingVital for successRed, yellow, blueCreated with a brushAlways dark and messyA way of recording a sceneOscar-Claude, French painterDutch Post-Impressionist painterOpposite colours on the colour wheel


Art crossword puzzle

  1. what you use to paint with
  2. what you paint on
  3. red pigment used to create sculptures
  4. what you create
  5. artwork
  6. another word for a piece of art
  7. picture going up and down
  8. another word for an art lesson
  9. a picture
  1. what some might use to draw with, waxy
  2. an exhibit of artwork
  3. a subject in school
  4. red, pink, green, yellow, etc.
  5. picture going across
  6. a word for different
  7. something you would find in a museum
  8. a border around the art

17 Clues:artworka picturewhat you createwhat you paint ona subject in schoolpicture going acrossa word for differentan exhibit of artworka border around the artpicture going up and downwhat you use to paint withred, pink, green, yellow, etc.another word for an art lessonanother word for a piece of artsomething you would find in a museum...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Dark ____
  2. A type of art that you create with clay
  3. ___ Dali
  4. Item to put colors on canvas
  5. Something created by hand or with a camera
  6. ____ Kahlo
  1. When picture is blurry it is out of ____
  2. Person who takes pictures
  3. Used to take pictures
  4. ____ Monet
  5. Item to put paint on
  6. Place to visit art
  7. Andy ____
  8. ____ Adams
  9. Place to mount a camera
  10. ____ Picasso
  11. Color of background used by photographers for special effects

17 Clues:___ DaliDark ____Andy ________ Monet____ Adams____ Kahlo____ PicassoPlace to visit artItem to put paint onUsed to take picturesPlace to mount a cameraPerson who takes picturesItem to put colors on canvasA type of art that you create with clayWhen picture is blurry it is out of ____Something created by hand or with a camera...


art crossword puzzle

  1. is used for writing with a pen, brush, or quill.
  2. for painting
  3. you store your art in it
  4. you paint on it
  5. to finish up a drawing
  6. what a pencil is made of
  7. wax colors
  1. a colorful liquid
  2. a picture
  3. to cut stuff
  4. you remove writing with it
  5. fine black powder
  6. a high quality acholic markers
  7. it is wet and has color
  8. art art made electronically
  9. you write with it
  10. stuff made with creativity

17 Clues:a picturewax colorsto cut stufffor paintingyou paint on ita colorful liquidfine black powderyou write with itto finish up a drawingit is wet and has coloryou store your art in itwhat a pencil is made ofyou remove writing with itstuff made with creativityart art made electronicallya high quality acholic markers...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. A series of still images that, when shown on a screen, create the illusion of moving images.
  2. A philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide-scale and far-reaching transformations in Western society during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  3. Is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures.
  4. Is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions.
  5. A modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.
  6. Is a broad movement that developed in the mid- to late 20th century across philosophy, the arts, architecture, and criticism and that marked a departure from modernism.
  7. Was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century, with early centers in Zürich, Switzerland, at the Cabaret Voltaire (circa 1916); New York Dada began circa 1915,[2][3] and after 1920 Dada flourished in Paris.
  8. It is the practice of applying paint, pigment, color or other medium[1] to a solid surface (support base).
  1. The style of les Fauves (French for "the wild beasts"), a group of early twentieth-century modern artists whose works emphasized painterly qualities and strong color over the representational or realistic values retained by Impressionism.
  2. Is the idea that views are relative to differences in perception and consideration. There is no universal, objective truth according to relativism; rather each point of view has its own truth
  3. A cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings.
  4. A 19th-century art movement characterized by relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience, and unusual visual angles. Impressionism originated with a group of Paris-based artists whose independent exhibitions brought them to prominence during the 1870s and 1880s.
  5. It is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.[Art is a diverse range of human activities in creating visual, auditory or performing artifacts (artworks), expressing the author's imaginative, conceptual ideas, or technical skill, intended to be appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.[
  6. An early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture.
  7. A collaborative form of fine art that uses live performers, typically actors or actresses, to present the experience of a real or imagined event before a live audience in a specific place, often a stage.
  8. A performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement.
  9. An art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time.

17 Clues:Is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions.An art form and cultural activity whose medium is sound organized in time.A performing art form consisting of purposefully selected sequences of human movement.A series of still images that, when shown on a screen, create the illusion of moving images....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. to change, correct
  2. when you exaggerate
  3. a picture of fruit and vegetables
  4. a long story full of characters and events
  5. when you make things alive
  6. a person who tells the story
  7. seats in the centre (in a theatre)
  8. when you compare
  1. four lines of a poem
  2. a serious article
  3. a place where musicians play in a theatre
  4. a person who participates in dangerous scenes instead of an actor
  5. to make smth come out
  6. crowd in a film
  7. all actors
  8. words ending with similar sounds

16 Clues:all actorscrowd in a filmwhen you comparea serious articleto change, correctwhen you exaggeratefour lines of a poemto make smth come outwhen you make things alivea person who tells the storywords ending with similar soundsa picture of fruit and vegetablesseats in the centre (in a theatre)a place where musicians play in a theatre...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. The main insrument of painter
  2. This instrument is needed for painter when he uses paints
  3. A color of linen
  4. The picture of Leonardo da Vinci,which is in the Louvre
  5. The most significant part of videogames
  6. It is a program,which helps you create,edit pictures
  7. This is a skill,which helps many people to create a picture
  8. It is a direction in art,which requires only black colors
  1. With the help of it,you can make your pictures more beautiful
  2. It is a direction in art,where the painter draw only real events or things
  3. This material we use when we draw something
  4. It is a type of art,in which everithing is made from stone or marble
  5. The period of revival
  6. It is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy
  7. The painter of our class(classmate)
  8. A spanish painter,who is the founder of cubism

16 Clues:A color of linenThe period of revivalThe main insrument of painterThe painter of our class(classmate)The most significant part of videogamesThis material we use when we draw somethingA spanish painter,who is the founder of cubismIt is a program,which helps you create,edit picturesIt is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy...


art crossword puzzle

  1. a place to display and sell your art work
  2. an object you use to write with that contains ink
  3. an object you draw on made from wood
  4. a thing you put your canvas on
  5. brush you dip this into paint
  6. a drawing that doesn't represent anything
  7. most common Japanese art style
  8. highlights your drawing
  1. drawing a place or paper orientation
  2. an object you use to write with containing lead
  3. drawing normal objects and making them different
  4. the most useless type of art theft
  5. a drawing of a person or paper
  6. a cute style of anime
  7. erases the mistakes in your drawing, only works on pencils
  8. a realistic style
  9. an illusion of movement through the drawing

17 Clues:a realistic stylea cute style of animehighlights your drawingbrush you dip this into painta thing you put your canvas ona drawing of a person or papermost common Japanese art stylethe most useless type of art theftdrawing a place or paper orientationan object you draw on made from wooda place to display and sell your art work...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. If art is ..... it doesn't show things as they actually look but uses shapes and patterns to represent ideas, people or things.
  2. This is a big picture painted on a wall of a building popular in some regions like South America.
  3. This is the art of paper folding in order to create shapes. It is associated with Japanese culture.
  4. These are decorative pieces of art that people wear on their necks (chains) or fingers (rings).
  5. This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.
  6. This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals.
  7. This is a picture that presents a person.
  8. This is the type of a painting where objects and not people or animals are presented. We call it ..... nature.
  9. This is a small object, often a statue, which has been cut out of stone or wood.
  1. This is the art that is connected with sewing designs on materials, often tablecloths.
  2. They are things like spoons, knives or dishes for the table that are made of silver.
  3. This is a picture that presents some scenery.
  4. This is the craft of making dishes, often pots from clay that are later baked in an oven.
  5. This is a large piece of heavy cloth which has a picture sewn on it using coloured threads.
  6. They are drawings or writing that are painted on walls in public places, often without their owners' agreement. There is controversy whether it is art or vandalism.
  7. The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.
  8. This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.

17 Clues:This is a picture that presents a person.This is a picture that presents some scenery.This is a picture made with a pencil or crayon.This is the craft of taking high quality photographs.The pictures that are ..... scenes show people fighting.This is a statue that presents one or more people or animals....

Mega2a kpl52018-01-25

Mega2a kpl5 crossword puzzle

  1. hänen (naisesta; die-sana/monikko)
  2. työskennellä _______ (Mikä art.?)
  3. vessa _______ (Mikä art.?)
  4. ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?)
  5. keittiö _______ (Mikä art.?)
  6. auto 2 _______ (Mikä art.?)
  7. er .... R. (hän rullaluistelee; ä=ae)
  8. kylpy(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)
  9. makuuhuone _______ (Mikä art.?)
  10. olo(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)
  11. hänen (miehestä; der/das-sana)
  1. eteinen _______ (Mikä art.?)
  2. hänen (miehestä; die-sana/monikko)
  3. auto 1 _______ (Mikä art.?)
  4. rullaluistella
  5. juuri, parhaillaan
  6. avata
  7. naapuri _______ (Mikä art.?)
  8. lasten(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)
  9. hänen (naisesta; der/das-sana)

20 Clues:avatarullaluistellajuuri, parhaillaanvessa _______ (Mikä art.?)auto 1 _______ (Mikä art.?)ikkuna _______ (Mikä art.?)auto 2 _______ (Mikä art.?)eteinen _______ (Mikä art.?)naapuri _______ (Mikä art.?)keittiö _______ (Mikä art.?)hänen (miehestä; der/das-sana)hänen (naisesta; der/das-sana)makuuhuone _______ (Mikä art.?)olo(huone) _______ (Mikä art.?)...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. To be... something is to be next to it.
  2. Sunshade.
  3. A work of art done by a painter.
  4. something is to enjoy it well.
  5. Faithfully, truthfully.
  6. "Bright" is the antonym of...
  7. To ... the sun is to avoid it.
  8. The other name of this country is Netherlands.
  1. The antonym of "ancient".
  2. To peddle something is to by going from place to place.
  3. A panorama.
  4. Great, fabulous.
  5. A cavern.
  6. Dazzling.
  7. Something in a picture that stands behind the main object.
  8. To ... an animal is to prey on it.

16 Clues:Sunshade.A cavern.Dazzling.A panorama.Great, fabulous.Faithfully, truthfully.The antonym of "ancient"."Bright" is the antonym of...To ... the sun is to avoid it.A work of art done by a painter.To ... an animal is to prey on something is to enjoy it well.To be... something is to be next to it.The other name of this country is Netherlands....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. The main insrument of painter
  2. This instrument is needed for painter when he uses paints
  3. A color of linen
  4. The picture of Leonardo da Vinci,which is in the Louvre
  5. The most significant part of videogames
  6. It is a program,which helps you create,edit pictures
  7. This is a skill,which helps many people to create a picture
  8. It is a direction in art,which requires only black colors
  1. With the help of it,you can make your pictures more beautiful
  2. It is a direction in art,where the painter draw only real events or things
  3. This material we use when we draw something
  4. It is a type of art,in which everithing is made from stone or marble
  5. The period of revival
  6. It is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy
  7. The painter of our class(classmate)
  8. A spanish painter,who is the founder of cubism

16 Clues:A color of linenThe period of revivalThe main insrument of painterThe painter of our class(classmate)The most significant part of videogamesThis material we use when we draw somethingA spanish painter,who is the founder of cubismIt is a program,which helps you create,edit picturesIt is a direction,in which picture is shown misteriousy...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. a heavily, closely wovwn fabric used as a basis for a painting
  2. graphic art consisting of artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface
  3. life a painting of inanimate objects such as fruit or flowers
  4. the part of a scene that is near the viewer
  5. a sculpture representing a human or an animal
  6. having bright, striking colour
  7. range of colour characteristic of a perticular artist or painting or school of art
  8. paint containing pigment used by an artist
  1. a collection of things, goods, works of art for public display
  2. painting depicting natural scenery
  3. to show
  4. a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited
  5. non-abstract
  6. an artists's tool that has hairs or bristles firmly set into a handle
  7. a likeness of a person
  8. of colour-lacking vividness, purity,highly diluted

16 Clues:to shownon-abstracta likeness of a personhaving bright, striking colourpainting depicting natural scenerypaint containing pigment used by an artistthe part of a scene that is near the viewera sculpture representing a human or an animalof colour-lacking vividness, purity,highly diluteda room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. To ... the sun is to avoid it.
  2. "Bright" is the antonym of...
  3. Faithfully, truthfully.
  4. The other name of this country is Netherlands.
  5. something is to enjoy it well.
  6. To ... an animal is to prey on it.
  7. Great, fabulous.
  8. The antonym of "ancient".
  9. A work of art done by a painter.
  10. A cavern.
  1. Sunshade.
  2. To peddle something is to by going from place to place.
  3. Something in a picture that stands behind the main object.
  4. Dazzling.
  5. A panorama.
  6. To be... something is to be next to it.

16 Clues:Sunshade.Dazzling.A cavern.A panorama.Great, fabulous.Faithfully, truthfully.The antonym of "ancient"."Bright" is the antonym of...To ... the sun is to avoid it.A work of art done by a painter.To ... an animal is to prey on something is to enjoy it well.To be... something is to be next to it.The other name of this country is Netherlands....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. A tool that you use to spread paint.
  2. Art on walls.
  3. Paint activated by liquid.
  4. For writing and drawing.
  5. A piece of art constructed with many pieces often found in nature.
  6. Something to be painted upon.
  7. Art out of stone or clay.
  8. Art with the voice.
  9. A place to display artworks.
  1. A building to display art and artifacts.
  2. Wax coloring tools.
  3. An early drawing.
  4. Fat pens.
  5. A written piece of art.
  6. A carving.
  7. Writing utensil.

16 Clues:Fat pens.A carving.Art on walls.Writing utensil.An early drawing.Wax coloring tools.Art with the voice.A written piece of art.For writing and drawing.Art out of stone or clay.Paint activated by liquid.A place to display artworks.Something to be painted upon.A tool that you use to spread paint.A building to display art and artifacts....

Art Studies 1912015-05-26

Art Studies 191 crossword puzzle

  1. sea serpent prevalent in SEA Art
  2. dominant force dictating culture at present (Globalization)
  3. vitality; energy of things (Japanese Art)
  4. painting is a ritual that embodies the cosmic force of order (Chinese Art)
  5. challenge to pure or authentic identity (Colonial Art)
  6. criticizes emptiness of Japanese consumer culture (Japanese Art)
  7. analysis of the legacy of colonialism and imperialism
  8. Philippine aesthetic of brightness of space (Philippine Art)
  9. Chinese philosopher, author of the Five Classics (Chinese Art)
  1. Proponent of postcolonialism; Edward ____
  2. a return to traditional/ native forms in architecture (Philippine Art)
  3. pioneering art historian of india (Indian Art)
  4. Japanese variant of Buddhism emphasizing simplicity (Japanese Art)
  5. depiction of Non-Western culture by the West
  6. essence; energy (Chinese Art)
  7. perception of beauty or taste
  8. simple sophistication (Japanese Art)
  9. acceptance of transience or imperfection (Japanese Art)
  10. essence; dominant mental state (Indian art)
  11. highest form of Chinese painting (Chinese Art)

20 Clues:essence; energy (Chinese Art)perception of beauty or tastesea serpent prevalent in SEA Artsimple sophistication (Japanese Art)Proponent of postcolonialism; Edward ____vitality; energy of things (Japanese Art)essence; dominant mental state (Indian art)depiction of Non-Western culture by the Westpioneering art historian of india (Indian Art)...


ART crossword puzzle




Art crossword puzzle

  1. An increase or revival after a period of little activity
  2. a type of visual art. It is often called the art of fancy lettering
  3. the process of making artworks by printing normallyon paper
  4. following each other
  5. A person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle
  6. a person traveling from place to place
  7. decrease
  8. An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception
  1. category, belonging to a particular group
  2. the process and the product of planning, designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures
  3. difficulties
  4. a form of visual expression where the common instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, pencils
  5. walking part for people close to the road
  6. distorted projection or drawing which appears normal when viewed from a particular point
  7. images formed with small pieces of stone or glass

15 Clues:decreasedifficultiesfollowing each othera person traveling from place to placecategory, belonging to a particular groupwalking part for people close to the roadimages formed with small pieces of stone or glassAn instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perceptionA person walking rather than travelling in a vehicle...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. / a quick sketch
  2. / a piece of this cloth used by artists for painting on, usually with oil paints, or the painting itself.
  3. in / to plan something large or complicated by organizing your general ideas for it
  4. colours / one of the colours red, blue, or yellow that are combined to make other colours, such as orange and green
  5. / representation by drawing or painting etc
  6. / the strength of something that can be measured such as light, sound, etc
  1. / a stick of this rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing
  2. / to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public
  3. / a degree of a colour
  4. day / a day before the opening of an exhibition of paintings reserved for the painters put on finishing touches
  5. / degree of difference from the gray having the same lightness
  6. / a wooden frame, usually with legs, that holds a picture
  7. / a liquid in which solids will dissolve
  8. / an early 20th-century style and movement in art, especially painting, in which perspective with a single viewpoint was abandoned and use was made of simple geometric shapes, interlocking planes, and, later, collage.
  9. / a liquid or paste that contains pigments or dyes and is used to color a surface to produce an image, text, or design.

15 Clues:/ a quick sketch/ a degree of a colour/ a liquid in which solids will dissolve/ representation by drawing or painting etc/ a wooden frame, usually with legs, that holds a picture/ degree of difference from the gray having the same lightness/ a stick of this rock or a similar substance used for writing or drawing...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. Peintre du tableau
  2. Prénom de l'auteur
  3. Lieu de travail d'Yvan
  4. Amitié très forte entre ce trio d'am
  5. Métier de Serge
  6. Thème principal de la pièce
  7. réaction de Marc lorsqu'il voit le tableau pour la première fois
  1. Evénement heureux qui unis Yvan et Catherine
  2. Qualification familière que donne Marc au tableau
  3. Situation compliqué dans laquelle se trouve l'un des personnages principal
  4. Genre de la pièce
  5. Point de vue opposé des 3 personnages principaux
  6. Couleur principale des discussions
  7. Objet du désaccord du trio amical
  8. Comment Marc se comporte face à se tableau et Serge

15 Clues:Métier de SergeGenre de la piècePeintre du tableauPrénom de l'auteurLieu de travail d'YvanThème principal de la pièceObjet du désaccord du trio amicalCouleur principale des discussionsAmitié très forte entre ce trio d'amEvénement heureux qui unis Yvan et CatherinePoint de vue opposé des 3 personnages principaux...


art crossword puzzle

  1. pelukis asal italy
  2. pakaian blus tradisional yang dikenakan oleh wanita Indonesia yang terbuat dari bahan tipis yang dikenakan dengan sarung, batik, atau pakaian rajutan tradisional lainnya seperti songket dengan motif warna-warni.
  3. menggunakan kain
  4. suatu bentuk dari tanah liat yang telah mengalami proses pembakaran
  5. teknik lukisan di mana cat dilapiskan dengan sangat tebal di atas kanvas sehingga arah goresan sangat mudah terlihat
  6. untuk melukis
  7. lukisan yang dibuat oleh leonardodavinci pada abad ke-16
  1. alat yang dipakai untuk memindahkan atau mengambil cairan yang khas digunakan untuk membuat batik tulis
  2. barang yang memberikan warna pada lukisan
  3. pelukis abad ke-20 dari spanyol
  4. maestro seni lukis indonesia
  5. tepi dekoratif yang dibuat untuk memasang, melindungi, dan memajang sebuah gambar, foto, atau lukisan
  6. karya seni atau desain grafis yang memuat komposisi gambar dan huruf di atas kertas berukuran besar atau kecil
  7. memiliki lensa
  8. dipergunakan untuk membuat layar dan terutama dasar lukisan

15 Clues:untuk melukismemiliki lensamenggunakan kainpelukis asal italymaestro seni lukis indonesiapelukis abad ke-20 dari spanyolbarang yang memberikan warna pada lukisanlukisan yang dibuat oleh leonardodavinci pada abad ke-16dipergunakan untuk membuat layar dan terutama dasar lukisansuatu bentuk dari tanah liat yang telah mengalami proses pembakaran...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. a shape similar to an circle
  2. pots or other articles made from clay
  3. a collectible object such as a piece of furniture
  4. animals that fly in the sky
  5. where there is a lot of colours
  6. a white translucent ceramic
  7. when something is full of energy and life
  8. someone who makes art
  9. a item made of clay that can be used to put flowers in
  1. pretty things that come form nature and usually grow in grass
  2. very old
  3. where art is displayed
  4. a colour similar to blue but has a bit more green
  5. a round shape
  6. opposite to vegetable and very healthy
  7. when something is easy or plain

16 Clues:very olda round shapesomeone who makes artwhere art is displayedanimals that fly in the skya white translucent ceramica shape similar to an circlewhere there is a lot of colourswhen something is easy or plainpots or other articles made from clayopposite to vegetable and very healthywhen something is full of energy and life...

Art and Music2020-04-13

Art and Music crossword puzzle

  1. type of art
  2. type of art
  3. type of art
  4. musical instrument
  5. musical instrument
  6. type of art
  7. musical instrument
  8. type of art
  9. musical instrument
  10. musical instrument
  11. type of art
  12. musical instrument
  1. musical instrument
  2. type of art
  3. musical instrument
  4. type of art
  5. musical instrument
  6. musical instrument
  7. type of art

19 Clues:type of arttype of arttype of arttype of arttype of arttype of arttype of arttype of arttype of artmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrumentmusical instrument


art crossword puzzle

  1. Drawing/ is a loose form of sketching that attempts to capture your subject's basic form and express movement.
  2. color / any 4 colors that sit side by side on the color wheel
  3. / dimensions of length, width, and depth, having different qualities of a real person; ex. Cube, sphere, cone
  4. color / two colors that sit directly across each other on the color wheel
  5. Life / a collection of inanimate objects arranged together in a specific way such as a basket of fruit or several jars.
  6. colors/ Red, Yellow, blue. These three colors cannot be recreated by mixing colors but can be mixed to create any of the other colors on the color wheel
  7. / 2d object, flat, can be organic or geometric
  1. / something that is 3D and encloses volume, having length, width and Height.
  2. of art / The visual components of color, form, line,shape, space, texture, and value
  3. / refers to the dark and light within a work
  4. Shape: / Man-made shapes; triangle, square, rectangle
  5. / having the dimensions of Height and Width only,example: shapes
  6. of Design / describe the ways that artists use the elements of art in a work of art
  7. Shape / Natural shapes associated with the natural world; leaves, clouds, animals
  8. a strong, woven cloth traditionally used by artists as a support surface on which to paint.

15 Clues:/ refers to the dark and light within a work/ 2d object, flat, can be organic or geometricShape: / Man-made shapes; triangle, square, rectanglecolor / any 4 colors that sit side by side on the color wheel/ having the dimensions of Height and Width only,example: shapes...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Visual art created using pencils, pens or chalk
  2. A modern style of music noted for its use of improvisation
  3. written art intended to be read, such as novels
  4. A style of music often linked to orchestras and symphonies
  5. The design of buildings and structures
  6. Written art intended to be spoken aloud
  7. Visual art created using oils, acrylics or water colours
  8. A style of modern music using electric guitars and drums
  1. An older type of dance still popular today
  2. Visual art painted on the walls of public spaces
  3. Three-dimensional art often created using stone or metal
  4. A style of dance less strict than ballet
  5. Visual art created using still cameras
  6. Making pots, vases, plates and cups
  7. Movies and film-making

15 Clues:Movies and film-makingMaking pots, vases, plates and cupsVisual art created using still camerasThe design of buildings and structuresWritten art intended to be spoken aloudA style of dance less strict than balletAn older type of dance still popular todayVisual art created using pencils, pens or chalkwritten art intended to be read, such as novels...


ART crossword puzzle

  1. A state joining together to be united
  2. A part or share in equal amounts of something
  3. an action or process of copying something
  4. A persons standards of what's important in life
  5. A colour or shade
  6. An activity that involves skill by hand
  7. A shade or variety of colour
  1. A measure of force that attracts the eye
  2. A design or pattern
  3. lines A line joining there points of equal height
  4. A symbol or design created for an organization
  5. Making a repeated design
  6. A discussion about a person or a thing being spoken about
  7. point Work of art that is very interesting and important
  8. A tool with a sharped-edged metal blade

15 Clues:A colour or shadeA design or patternMaking a repeated designA shade or variety of colourA state joining together to be unitedAn activity that involves skill by handA tool with a sharped-edged metal bladeA measure of force that attracts the eyean action or process of copying somethingA part or share in equal amounts of something...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Art related to paintings, drawings, sculptures, etc
  2. Art related to food
  3. Art related to composition, to what we listen to
  4. Art created on the street
  5. What artists use to create stenciled art
  6. A person who creates art
  7. Anything that stirs emotion in you
  1. Ancient/old art
  2. Contemporary/new art
  3. Drawing or writing on a wall, in a public space
  4. A person who writes books, poems, etc
  5. A person who creates visual art
  6. Art related to writing books, poems, etc
  7. A person who composes music
  8. A person who sings

15 Clues:Ancient/old artA person who singsArt related to foodContemporary/new artA person who creates artArt created on the streetA person who composes musicA person who creates visual artAnything that stirs emotion in youA person who writes books, poems, etcArt related to writing books, poems, etcWhat artists use to create stenciled art...


Art!!!!! crossword puzzle

  1. The opposite of shading
  2. An instrument for writing or drawing
  3. A plan or drawing that details the function of a building
  4. A performing arts form involving body movement
  5. The darkening of colour in an illustration or diagram
  6. A cinema film
  7. What painting is a form of
  8. What celebrities are
  1. A picture or diagram made with a pen or pencil
  2. A particular design or type
  3. What Shawn Mendes is famous for
  4. The name for sound that includes beats, rhythm, singing
  5. An extremely plain, woven fabric used for art
  6. A utensil used to apply paint or ink
  7. Artists add a lot of this into their work

15 Clues:A cinema filmWhat celebrities areThe opposite of shadingWhat painting is a form ofA particular design or typeWhat Shawn Mendes is famous forAn instrument for writing or drawingA utensil used to apply paint or inkArtists add a lot of this into their workAn extremely plain, woven fabric used for artA picture or diagram made with a pen or pencil...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Screening room.
  2. an actor who play in harry potter
  3. Solo show
  4. a person whose profession is acting on the stage
  5. a British group formed in 1977 and separated in 1993.
  6. the making or showing or performance
  7. a person who dances
  8. entertainment in which a comedian tells jokes to a live audience
  9. person who uses his voice, to accompany music a pattern of sounds made by musical instruments
  1. born April 28, 1943 in Paris, is a French singer, songwriter and actor
  2. musician playing violin
  3. Open or closed place intended for the representation of shows.(drama)
  4. French music duo hiding behind a robot helmet
  5. album released in 2001 and subsequently released in 2003: interstella 5555
  6. show in a marquee presented by a ringmaster

15 Clues:Solo showScreening room.a person who dancesmusician playing violinan actor who play in harry potterthe making or showing or performanceshow in a marquee presented by a ringmasterFrench music duo hiding behind a robot helmeta person whose profession is acting on the stagea British group formed in 1977 and separated in 1993....


Art crossword puzzle

  1. A person who writes books, poems, etc
  2. Ancient/old art
  3. A person who composes music
  4. A person who creates visual art
  5. A person who creates art
  6. A person who sings
  1. Art related to paintings, drawings, sculptures etc
  2. Art related to composition, to what we listen to
  3. Contemporary/new art
  4. Drawing or writing on a wall,in a public space
  5. Art related to writing books, poems, etc
  6. Art created on the street
  7. What artists use to create stenciled art
  8. Art related to food
  9. Anything that stirs emotion in you

15 Clues:Ancient/old artA person who singsArt related to foodContemporary/new artA person who creates artArt created on the streetA person who composes musicA person who creates visual artAnything that stirs emotion in youA person who writes books, poems, etcArt related to writing books, poems, etcWhat artists use to create stenciled art...


art crossword puzzle

  1. Pablo?
  2. Picture of one person
  3. Many photos
  4. Something erected in memory of a person
  5. Object of producing
  6. To put sometrhing
  1. A technique of painting with watercolors
  2. Person who drowing pictures
  3. It is a visual representation of a person, object
  4. A room or building in which people look at paintings
  5. Synthetic material used as a substitute for clay
  6. A lot of colors
  7. Quality of color
  8. Tool that is uses during painting
  9. Lisa Very popular portrait

15 Clues:Pablo?Many photosA lot of colorsQuality of colorTo put sometrhingObject of producingPicture of one personLisa Very popular portraitPerson who drowing picturesTool that is uses during paintingSomething erected in memory of a personA technique of painting with watercolorsSynthetic material used as a substitute for clay...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. Broke Up the Beattles
  2. Melting Clocks
  3. The Kiss
  4. Picasso
  5. Degas
  6. Van Gogh
  7. Kara Walker
  1. Georgia O'Keefe
  2. Yayoi Kusama
  3. Monet
  4. Alex Calder
  5. Frida Kahlo
  6. Banksy
  7. Louise Bourgeois
  8. Basquiat

15 Clues:MonetDegasBanksyPicassoThe KissBasquiatVan GoghAlex CalderFrida KahloKara WalkerYayoi KusamaMelting ClocksGeorgia O'KeefeLouise BourgeoisBroke Up the Beattles


Art!!!!! crossword puzzle

  1. What painting is a form of
  2. A picture or diagram made with a pen or pencil
  3. What Shawn Mendes is famous for
  4. A utensil used to apply paint or ink
  5. A plan or drawing that details the function of a building
  6. What celebrities are
  7. A particular design or type
  1. The opposite of shading
  2. The darkening of colour in an illustration or diagram
  3. An extremely plain, woven fabric used for art
  4. A performing arts form involving body movement
  5. Artists add a lot of this into their work
  6. The name for sound that includes beats, rhythm, singing
  7. An instrument for writing or drawing
  8. A cinema film

15 Clues:A cinema filmWhat celebrities areThe opposite of shadingWhat painting is a form ofA particular design or typeWhat Shawn Mendes is famous forA utensil used to apply paint or inkAn instrument for writing or drawingArtists add a lot of this into their workAn extremely plain, woven fabric used for artA picture or diagram made with a pen or pencil...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. benang halus dan lembut yang berasal dari kepompong ulat sutra
  2. sebuah karya seni baru atau seni masa kini yang berlandaskan kebebsan berekspresi
  3. lawan kata dari simetris
  4. sebutan bagi orang yang ahli membuat gambar
  5. bersifat nyata
  6. sebutan untuk campuran dari warna-warna murni
  7. keseimbangan yang sama
  1. ketidaksesuaian atau penyimpangan sebuah karya seni dari bentuk alamiahnya
  2. ragam hias
  3. orang atau benda yang dijadikan contoh atau sasaran penggambaran
  4. dua dimensi
  5. usaha membangkitkan kembali kebudayaan Yunani dan Romawi
  6. sketsa atau rancangan yang dibuat ketika hendak melukis atau membuat patung
  7. perbedaan yang mencolok
  8. memiliki nilai keindahan

15 Clues:ragam hiasdua dimensibersifat nyatakeseimbangan yang samaperbedaan yang mencoloklawan kata dari simetrismemiliki nilai keindahansebutan bagi orang yang ahli membuat gambarsebutan untuk campuran dari warna-warna murniusaha membangkitkan kembali kebudayaan Yunani dan Romawibenang halus dan lembut yang berasal dari kepompong ulat sutra...


Art crossword puzzle

  1. What chefs and cooks do
  2. What visual artists do
  3. Pictures that were painted
  4. Created by writers
  5. Anything that stirs emotions in you
  6. What musicians do
  7. Old art
  8. Used in stenciled art
  1. Piece of writing that rhymes
  2. A person who creates art
  3. Contemporary art
  4. Created by street artists
  5. What street artists do
  6. What writers do
  7. Pictures created with pencil and pen

15 Clues:Old artWhat writers doContemporary artWhat musicians doCreated by writersUsed in stenciled artWhat visual artists doWhat street artists doWhat chefs and cooks doA person who creates artCreated by street artistsPictures that were paintedPiece of writing that rhymesAnything that stirs emotions in youPictures created with pencil and pen

Design Styles2017-11-07

Design Styles crossword puzzle

  1. the meaning of art nouveau in French
  2. one of the metals often used in Bauhaus
  3. a design style that uses flowing and swirling lines
  4. the types of shapes used in art deco designs
  5. the meaning of Bauhaus in German
  6. the event during which art deco was popular
  7. the country of origin for Bauhaus design
  8. the colours used in Bauhaus design
  9. buildings that are often used in art deco designs
  10. the introduction of art deco
  11. often used alongside plants in art nouveau designs
  12. a popular building often used in art deco designs
  1. the types of colours used in art deco designs
  2. the form of many art nouveau designs
  3. art nouveau focused heavily on the environment, which made it very ...
  4. an aspect of Bauhaus design
  5. the beginning of art nouveau
  6. a design style that focuses on the industrial age
  7. a popular theme used in art nouveau designs
  8. art nouveau designer
  9. a design style that focuses on simplistic designs
  10. the country of origin for art deco
  11. a technique used un the backgrounds of art deco designs

23 Clues:art nouveau designeran aspect of Bauhaus designthe beginning of art nouveauthe introduction of art decothe meaning of Bauhaus in Germanthe country of origin for art decothe colours used in Bauhaus designthe form of many art nouveau designsthe meaning of art nouveau in Frenchone of the metals often used in Bauhaus...

Art Fanatics 20212021-07-08

Art Fanatics 2021 crossword puzzle

  1. Ways that art "building blocks" are arranged; Design.
  2. An art element; 2-D flat outline; Circles/Squares.
  3. An art medium; Art that is three dimensional (3-D)
  4. An art element; A visual element defined by its pigment/hue, value and intensity.
  5. A design principle; Sense of creating motion.
  6. A location where art is hung/displayed for the public.
  7. An art medium; Art that uses paint and a brush to create an image.
  8. An art style; Art that looks just like its subject.
  9. A tool used to cut objects, like paper. Hint: NEVER run holding these!
  10. A design principle; Repetition of shapes, colours, lines or symbols.
  11. An art element; Creating the illusion of a 3-D object on a 2-D surface.
  12. A design principle; Showing different shapes, colours, lines or symbols.
  13. An art element; Marks made on a surface, usually straight.
  1. A person who creates art.
  2. Basic "building blocks" used to create art; Art.
  3. An art element; How something feels/looks like how it would feel.
  4. Different types of art tools and materials.
  5. A design principle; Symmetry/Asymmetry are used to create this.
  6. An art element; The range of lightness to darkness.
  7. An art style; Art that represents a feeling instead of an object.
  8. A design principle; Directing attention to a specific thing in an image.
  9. A design principle; Size relationship between two objects in an image.
  10. A design principle; The sense that several objects in an image "belong" together
  11. A tool used to stick two or more pieces of something together. Hint: can come in sticks or bottles.
  12. An art element; Both positive and negative areas are used to create a sense of depth.

25 Clues:A person who creates art.Different types of art tools and materials.A design principle; Sense of creating motion.Basic "building blocks" used to create art; Art.An art medium; Art that is three dimensional (3-D)An art element; 2-D flat outline; Circles/Squares.An art element; The range of lightness to darkness....